Hey there Journey Principles Nation! As promised we have Amber Lehman with us again today. She has such an incredible story. She is a true inspiration to everyone out there who is struggling with anything!

Last time she let us travel with her as she took us through her journey. She has gone from a prostitute to a ministry leader. God wrapped her in righteousness when she felt like she deserved condemnation. I am sure there are many people who feel they should be condemned but this podcast is here to help.

Amber is the Executive Director of First Choice Pregnancy Solutions. Amber and her team are here to help any female who is pregnant get the help they need. Many times these females are thinking abortion. First Choice Pregnancy is here to encourage Life. They get to know each female and what each  heart’s desire actually is. Many times it is to have the baby. From there First Choice Pregnancy walks with them through the entire process.

Certain things can be done to help you or someone you know walk through a difficult time. Here are some steps that will help you.

Ask questions: There is a pivotal moment during the conversations with each female that three questions are asked. These questions could apply to ANY struggle someone is walking through.

“What does your head say?”
“What does your heart say?” And sometimes, “What does your gut say?”
“If your circumstance was different, what is your heart’s desire?”             By answering these three questions you will find out where you are in conflict.

Change your circumstances: Sometimes certain circumstances are holding you back. What circumstances can be changed? Call someone to ask for counsel. No matter the type of help you may need, there is someone out there to call.
Write it down: Don’t keep your struggles inside of your head. Journal about it.
Tell others about your story: To take it one step further, share your story with others. Amber is able to share her life story to impact so many people. The power in your testimony is unbelievable.

Whether you are struggling with a certain conflict in your life or trying to make a tough decision, these steps can help you on during your way. Taking that initial step of seeking help can be difficult and scary. Often times it is the hardest step to take. If you have a deep conviction for something ,you are usually more willing to dig deeper to receive the results.

If you are seeking healing, Amber leaves us with three steps to heal, grow, and go.

Acknowledge: Come to terms with what you did/are doing. Acknowledge that what you have done is wrong and hurtful, whether hurtful to yourself or others. This will help you become free quicker.
Reach out: Seek help. Call someone that you trust and simply talk with them. If you don’t have anyone you can trust, you can reach out to The Journey Principles. We are a non-discriminating outreach. We do not judge where you came from; we only care about where you want to go.
Push through: There will be times during your healing process that you will want to give up or simply stop going for help, don’t. Push through those times because the outcome is much more rewarding!

There are many resources available to you. Some ways to get in touch with Amber is through her email [email protected], Facebook at Amber Lehman, or their website firstchoicenc.org. You can always reach out to The Journey Principles. We have helped many people receive the healing they seek.

Right now would be a great time to take advantage of our FREE Life Kit Offer going on now. It is a 6 step process to help you turn your life around. It is the exact 6 steps that Stephen, founder of The Journey Principles, took to change his life. You can gain access to that offer at journeyprinciples.com/lifekit.

Until next time be sure to follow us on Facebook, Stephen Scoggins The Journey Principles, as well as Twitter, @stephen_scoggin. And of course you can always reach us through our website journeyprinciples.com. If you enjoyed today’s podcast please comment and share with others. Make sure to tune in with us next time for another amazing podcast!