Kerry has a Doctorate in Physical therapy.  She loved what she did and loved her coworkers, but felt a tug on her heart that led her outside the walls of the clinic.  Each step she took created more clarity and purpose and today, she owns a Mindset and Performance Coaching Company.  She helps people get clear about their strengths, passions, and what they want their lives to be like so they can create the work and life they absolutely love.


How do I begin? Discover the false objectives in your life: Goals you’re working toward achieving that don’t align with who you are at the core.   What in your life has been scripted for you from external/societal pressures that you are not passionate about?


What if I don’t know exactly what I want? Start by removing from your life what you know you don’t want.   Disassociate from things that do not inspire or enliven you.


What is a scripted life? Living live by doing roughly the same thing every day just because that is what you are doing.   It’s hard to feel passionate about life if you’re living a “treadmill life.” Peel back what you’re not passionate about to give room for what you truly are passionate about.


How do I remove the script?  According to Ben Hardy, productivity researcher, the average American checks their cell phone 150 times/day and spends 9 yrs of their life checking facebook/watching tv.   Start by decreasing the amount of time you spend consuming other people’s material and thoughts so you have room in your head to think about what lights you up, what inspires you.   Cut back on being constantly plugged in. If all you did was read 2 pages of positive material each night and morning, your day would be that much more productive.   Before going to bed-have tentative schedule for next day.  “Tell your time where to go”.   Be intentional with use of time, don’t let your time get used up.  


Morning routine--Begin Your Day With Purpose.  The 10 minute  GETUP Plan Small GETUP changes that will drastically alter your business and their trajectory. Gratitude Envision your goals Today’s why-why are you doing what you’re going to do today Unstoppable Body Purpose driven action-what adds value, depth, connection in your life


What do I put in my daily plan? Do one thing every day that scares you.  Elanore Roosevelt Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. -- Mark Twain Ask yourself:   What is my frog?   When am I going to eat it? Life beings at the end of your comfort zone


Shifting from the Corporate infrastructure to the Journey of Entrepreneurship Corporate infrastructure: People tell us where to be, when to meet, when to email etc. Others tell us what to do. Entrepreneurship:   No one calls the shots for you, but you. You pave the way. You feel lost. .. .now what?


Design your life, design your day: It’s all about building your plane as you fly, but if we never knew what a plane looked like, we’d never know how to build it. Studying people who’ve done what you aspire to do is the fastest shortcut to getting there.    Someone has probably done something similar and that means there’s a market for you so it’s a good thing! What are their habits? What are their income producing activities? Set up your day with some idea of structure. Example: “Connect and Collaborate” on Thursdays.  Have a Marketing day, studying day, etc..   Some tasks take less time, some take more, tweak it as you go. Ready, fire, aim--specific income producing activities that we must stay focused on and aim towards.  


How do I know when to charge for my idea or skill? Most of the time you don’t make money right away, may need to work for free to prove your concept.   When your clients get results, then you can start charging for your service. Validate your idea first:  Get clients, validate your idea.   Don’t keep making stuff for your business without clients to validate it. Generate revenue and reinvest into your business.   Adapt to the market People will consume info that is applicable to them.   Provide as much value as you can to begin with. Only after results, then you set your prices. Listen to your audience, they will tell you what they want.  Lots of people have same concerns. Reverse engineer process.  Ask questions, listen, then solve problems and solve


From scripted to unscripted.  From being told what to do to creating what you want to do. Clarity comes from taking action. As you act, then you hone in on your focus, your skills, and find your unscripted life!


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