Breaking Free From the “Norms”


Lindsay Judson is an example of breaking free from the “norms.”  Although she’s always been a dreamer, initially, she went the traditional route of securing a college degree.  Her profession in nursing was and still is a passion of hers, yet the ever present itch to chase other passions and to inspire her daughters to do the same, eventually pulled her away from nursing and into the world of digital entrepreneurship.

Lindsay’s desire to follow her passion and to teach her daughters to be dreamers, to break free from the “norms,” and to harness the power of the mindset, is one of leading not only by word, but also by example.


Breaking Free From The “Norms”

Often, we are programed culturally, either in society or within a family, to take certain steps and we follow them either without challenging them, or we spend our life wondering “what if?” The traditional route is not the only route. Breaking free from the “norms” allows you to follow your dreams. Things don’t have to be a certain way because a diagnosis, training, or culture tells you it’ll be that way. Our background and training often influence how we see the world, but we truly learn through experience, and by trial and error. Work hard, seek opportunities, and share what you’ve learned with others.


Harness the Power of Mindset


The power of the mind can override circumstances and predicted outcomes. Reprogram your thinking. Focus less on results and more on efforts.   Efforts dynamically change the nature of where we arrive and how we get there. Measure progress, rather than results. We lose desire to generate effort toward our passion when when we measure against perfection. More is learned from failures than from successes. Duplication is a principle, not a rule.   Duplicate in your own way. Dont quit in the process. Fail forward and do it everyday.


Lead By Example


Don’t stereotype others because of your background and experiences. Allow others to grow and learn in their own way. Praise efforts rather than results in order to inspire others to work harder and keep trying. Gently mold and grow others to help them to meet their potential. Provide opportunities to share your business with your children. Teach them what you have learned and how you have learned through failures. Be careful of the language used in front of your kids; focus on efforts rather than results. Allow hard work to be part of daily life. Encourage efforts and hard work; don’t give false praise.

Final Thoughts From Lindsay

Find what your thing is.   Jump in and figure it out later. It’s not about perfection;  it’s about effort and progress.

Connect With Lindsay

Facebook: Lindsey Judson Facebook Business: The Mama Bear Marketer