Episode 8 : Overcoming Procrastination


Ian is the author of Know Thyself and Move Forward, which provides 4 simple steps that guide you through solutions to everyday problems.  Ian has learned that the easiest way to overcome procrastination is to truly understand yourself and continually evaluate where you are and where you want to go.


The analogy of a pilot illustrates that it’s important to know where you started in relation to where you are heading.  A pilot must constantly readjust to stay on course, and so must we as we work toward our goals and dreams.


How to Overcome Procrastination:


Know where are you now. Understand where you want to go. Determine if you’re a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner. For visual learners: focus on images. Auditory learners: focus on sounds, music or quotes. Kinesthetic learners: get up and go through the motion.   Be honest with yourself and feel the purpose as a whole. Establish your starting point. Evaluate where the gap is from where you are to where you want to end up. Evaluate how to close that gap in order to attain the goal, from your point of view. Evaluate Internal Coherence.   There are 7 layers of life experience;  from your deep purpose to how we are in our environment and how we interact. There’s the science of achievement and the art of fulfilment. Focus on science of achievement to build your own steps and achieve objectives. Keep evaluating and make sure you are still aligned with your goals as you progress in order to achieve the art of fulfilment.

Final Thoughts From Ian


There’s the saying that the entrepreneur works 80 hours per week so that he’s not stuck in a job working 40 hours a week, but remember that every second is so worth it!   Open up, serve and everything else will show up.


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