I am excited to finally release this episode with Heather Quisel Brown (which we recorded pre-Covid!), in which we talk about all things from grief, loss, resiliency, entrepreneurship, motherhood and love. Heather is not only an inspiration, but a motivation, in how to live life fully and embracing all it has to offer, in both business and love. If you have ever felt stuck because life threw you curve balls that you never saw coming, or were unsure how to build the life you want to live, then this episode is for you. Get ready to get inspired and start building the life you were meant to live!


Heather’s Bio: 

Hi. My name is Heather Quisel.

In 2010, I was a virtual nobody with no sales or marketing background, and no business starting an online business. I had zero social media presence (not even a MySpace account), but I had a strong desire to learn to make people come to ME to buy my products and programs.


In the past decade, I’ve created two powerful and profitable online businesses, one that’s created over $2.5 million in product sales.


Just this January, Russell Brunson invited me to speak at Funnel Hacking Live 2020 (with 5,000 people in the audience) to share my experience and wisdom in creating an online presence that sells, simply by sharing my unique story. When the #1 internet marketer invites you to speak on one of the largest stages in the marketing world, then goes on to call you his “favorite speaker” of the event, you know you’re doing something right.


To learn more about Heather: www.heatherquisel.com