Growing up with worth, esteem and confidence is something we all want for our children, especially our daughters, and yet it is something that is not always easy to accomplish. In absence of these attributes many parents are sending their girls off into the world potentially unprepared to thrive. In this episode, I talk with Nellie Harden, a family life coach and founder of the 6570 Family Project which guides girls in learning to trust themselves, be aligned in their values and embody confidence so she can become the leader of her life! Nellie is passionate about guiding parents in how to decode their daughters so that they can mindfully use the 6570 days before their kids turn 18 to provide a solid foundation for their future. We cover in depth what it looks like to raise girls with worth, esteem and confidence, and ways in which to model these values. Nellie shares her experience in raising 4 daughters, now all teenagers, to be in service to others, be anchored in moments of joy throughout the day, and learn to trust themselves. If you are someone who wants to raise strong girls, this episode is for you.


About Nellie: Nellie is a Family Life & Leadership Coach who focuses on helping parents love & lead their teen/tweens in a way that teaches them to love & lead themselves while building a strong foundation of worth, esteem & confidence all before they leave home! 


It's so easy to slip into survival mode, feel lost & just try to check the boxes of parenthood & childhood instead of leaning in & finding your unique path to thrive through this 6570 day training ground of your child's life. 


In The 6570 Family Project, Nellie helps you lead her to a place where she trusts herself, stays aligned in her values and trades chasing worth for standing in her confidence every day in order to face joys and obstacles and become the leader of her own life! 


A wife, mom to 4 teen daughters, author, speaker, podcaster, retired homeschooling parent and adventure chaser. Nellie gets it and delivers her passion and strategy weekly! "The best way to change the world is through one living room at a time".



5 Things Your Daughter Needs-

Daughter Decoder-

