Have you ever experienced chronic pain that resulted after a year of stress or trauma? My guest this week is Jane Hogan, who after hitting an emotional rock bottom, developed rheumatoid arthritis with a bleak prognosis. Despite the fear of a lifetime of enduring hardship, she listened to her inner knowing that not only was she going to get through this but that she was going to help others get through it as well. She went from being a civil engineer to becoming certified as a health coach, determined to uncover the root causes of people’s chronic pain. In this beautiful and impactful interview, Jane shares the ways in which we can heal our mind and body and the impact of the power of our mind. We truly can create our futures through our thoughts, vibrations and energy; and if you think this is woo-woo, it’s actually physics, so this belief is rooted in science. Jane ends the conversation guiding a radical self-love meditation, which is at the root of all healing.


About Jane: Jane Hogan, "The Wellness Engineer," blends leading-edge science and ancient spiritual practices to help people release chronic pain using the mind, body and breath so they can become empowered creators of their own health.  Her personal experience of reversing crippling rheumatoid arthritis using natural solutions inspired her to leave a 30-year engineering career and become a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher and wellness educator. 


Combining ancient wisdom with leading edge science, Jane’s Wellness by Design Blueprint has helped thousands of people release chronic pain naturally. She is the host of the Wellness by Design podcast and her empowering message has been featured on numerous podcasts and summits. She has been published in Thrive Global and Elephant Journal magazines and is a contributing author on three best-selling books. In 2022, Jane hosted the Becoming Pain-Free: Healing the Root Causes of Chronic Pain online summit attended by 36,000 participants.


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