Once upon a time, there was a miller who had a very beautiful daughter. The miller was known to say excessive things until the news reached to the kingdom. When invited by the king to the palace, the miller said that he had a beautiful daughter and had the talent to spin straw into gold. This impressed the king and invited both of them to come the next day. Arriving at the palace, the king immediately locked the girl to spin straw into gold in one night. This went on for three nights and made the girl feel sad that she couldn't do anything. Fortunately the girl was helped by a strange creature named Rumpelstiltskin. As a reward, the girl gave him her necklace and ring. However, on the third night the girl could not give anything. Therefore, Rumpelstiltskin asked the girl to promise when she became a queen, she would give her baby to him. Then, when she became a queen, Rumpelstiltskin came to collect her promise and asked the girl to guess his name within three days. In short, on the third day the girl got the right name and suddenly Rumpelstiltskin just disappeared. And then the queen, the king, and their baby lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time, there was a kind girl named Cinderella. Cinderella lived with her stepmother and her two stepsisters, Anastasia and Drizella. Cinderella's stepmother, Lady Tremaine, was cold, cruel, and jealous of Cinderella’s charm and beauty. One day, a messenger arrived with a special invitation. There was going to be a royal ball at the palace. The King wanted his son to find a bride. At that time, Cinderella was met by the prince in the palace and they danced together. Exactly at 12 o'clock midnight, Cinderella had to leave the palace, because the fairy godmother said her magic would soon disappear. Cinderella left her glass slipper on the stairs and was taken by the prince. The next day, the royal guards came to various houses to look for the owner of the glass slipper. Finally, with difficulty Cinderella can prove that she is the owner of the shoe, because she has the other shoe. Cinderella and the prince got married and lived happily ever after.