Previous Episode: journal week 7
Next Episode: Journal week 9

Hello everyone, hope you have a good day!!!
Back with me , Elhana, now I'm going to tell you about a story that I read and a I watch before.
The story that I read is Cinderella, and I will tell you big lines story about Cinderella.
Cinderella was a happy child before her life was destroyed. Her father and mother loved Cinderella so much, their adored her and treated her like a royal princess, but everything changed when her mother died and her father married a widow with two children. Cinderella's life was turned upside down, she was turned into a slave in her own home and treated unfairly by her stepmother and stepsister but then and the kingdom held a dance party where she met the prince who loved her very much, Cinderella's life was happy after the prince came into her life and choose her to be his wife. The end….
The second one I will tell you a big lines story about Cruella
Cruella tells the story of a woman who was abandoned by her mother after a powerful woman pushed her into the abyss. Cruella witnessed the moment someone pushed her mother with her own eyes, but unfortunately no one else did. Cruella's life is now lonely, but she meets a friend who has a similar life to hers, and the three of them grow up to become professional thieves together.
But Cruella is tired of living like this, so she decides to become a fashion designer in a famous place, where the place is run by the person who murdered her mother. The more Cruella feels vengeance, the more the truth is revealed at the end Cruella becomes one of the world's most famous fashion designers smash on the killer of his mother.
Alright that’s all the story from me. Thank you!! See you in another podcast