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hello everyone my name is Elhana, and now I want to tell you about the story I watch and the story I read before. the firts is the greatest showman. The Greatest Showman is a movie about a man named Barnum who wants to make his dreams come true (Hugh Jackman). Barnum was fired at first because the company where he worked was about to go bankrupt.

Barnum considered taking out a bank loan and purchasing a museum. Unfortunately, ticket sales were low, especially considering how empty the museum was.

Barnum's son had the brilliant idea of simply displaying something alive in his museum. He immediately came up with the idea of putting on a circus show.

Since then, he's been on the lookout for players who are both talented and one-of-a-kind. Barnum continued to struggle and spread information about the show even after he had found all of the players.

Until, at long last, the entire world is aware of this circus show. Barnum had a lot of conflicts when he was at the pinnacle of his success.

the second story is about timun mas

Once upon a time, there lived a very beautiful princess in the Prambanan kingdom named Rara Jonggrang. One day, a young man named Bandung Bandawasa came marry her.

Rara Jonggrang, who did not want to become Bandung’s, put forward very tough conditions.

“All right, Bandung, if you want to propose to me, build me a thousand temples in one night,” said Rara Jonggrang, mentioning her request.

Bandung Bandawasa agreed, “Fine, Rara. If that’s your wish, then I will grant it. “

Bandung ordered a genie army to build a thousand temples overnight.

Rara Jonggrang, who was worried that Bandung could finish, ordered the maids to sound the pestle and burn the straw so that it looked like dawn.

The genies left the temple unfinished, so Bandung lacked one temple. Feeling cheated, Bandung was angry with Rara Jonggrang.

“You have tricked me, therefore, you will be the last temple!” Rara Jonggrang then turned into a statue to complete a thousand temples. so that is the story, thank you so much for listening this podcast see you!