A bunch of fragile white people grew incensed by an Ancestry.com sketch that Bret and I made. Some of them informed us that only Jews had slaves. Others used the n-word with a hard r. Finally, a couple individuals wanted to kill us. I guess that is the price you pay for trying to make a comedy video that doesn't ally with someone's abhorrent political beliefs. We also give a shoutout to McDonald's for doubling as a homeless shelter in NYC. Oh, and since most of the podcast is about that sketch, you can peep it right here.

If you have any comments, feel free to reach me at jordanraybould.com

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See me live:

Richmond - 8/22-8/25

Philly - 8/30 - 8/31

Worcester - 9/5

New Haven - 9/6

Rhode Island - 9/7

Lynn - 9/8


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