Join me in this week’s Author Diary as I share a refreshing update from my restful week in Portugal, along with some reflections on my recent reads.

🌴 Restful Retreat in Portugal:

This week, I took some time off to unwind in the beautiful and sunny Portugal. The break was filled with relaxation and provided a wonderful opportunity to recharge. Sometimes, stepping away from our usual routines is essential for creativity and overall well-being.

📚 Reading Update:

"Soldier's Son" series by Robin Hobb: I wrapped up this series during my vacation. While I found the first book fantastic, the third installment didn't quite meet my expectations and felt flawed in several aspects. It's always interesting to see how a series evolves, even when it doesn't end as strongly as it began.

Currently Reading: I've started the "Keeper Chronicles" by JA Andrews. This series has begun promisingly, and I'm optimistic about the journey ahead in this new fantasy world.

As I bask in the afterglow of a relaxing week and dive into new literary adventures, I look forward to getting back into the swing of writing and sharing more updates soon.

Feel free to share your thoughts on taking breaks for creativity, your experiences with the "Soldier's Son" series, or any books you're currently enjoying. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insights from my author's life and ongoing explorations in storytelling!