Join me in this week’s Author Diary as I share updates on my latest writing projects and delve into some enthralling book and TV series experiences.

📝 "Punks Versus Zombies" Updates:

This week, I've added two new episodes to the "Punks Versus Zombies" series. Continuing this saga is always an exciting challenge, and I'm eager to see how the story will evolve as it unfolds further.

📖 New Short Story Release:

I'm thrilled to announce another addition to the Ravenglass Legends series—a prequel short story titled "The Beast Hunt." It's now available on Ream (Visit: and adds depth to the backstory of the world I've been crafting.

📚 Reading Journey:

Recently Finished: "Forest Mage" by Robin Hobb, which was a fantastic read, full of intricate developments and compelling character arcs.

Currently Reading: "Renegade Mage," the third book in the series. This continuation promises more intrigue and magical challenges, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the journey so far.

🎥 Entertainment Wrap-Up:

I've just finished watching the Fallout TV show on Amazon Prime. The series did an excellent job of capturing the essence of the game, and I thoroughly enjoyed the depth and twists of the storyline.

Feel free to discuss your own writing endeavors, your thoughts on the Fallout TV series, or your current reading list. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for weekly insights into my author's life and explorations in storytelling!

#PunksVersusZombies #RavenglassLegends #TheBeastHunt #RobinHobb #ForestMage #RenegadeMage #FalloutTVSeries #AuthorDiary #CreativeWriting #FantasySeries #BookReviews #TVSeriesReviews