We're all looking for ways to optimize our health and especially our immunity — things we tend to take for granted when we're feeling good and there isn't a pandemic going on.

The basic ways we strengthen our immune response are the same, whether we're worried about COVID-19 or the flu or staying healthier through menopause: wash hands often, don't touch your face, eat well, sleep well, exercise.

However, we live in world of pre-packaged food that's high in sugar, bad fats, salt, and calories, but low in nutrients — and it's easy to get, doesn't require much prep time, and let's admit it, it tastes pretty good. That can make getting the right nutrients in the right amounts at the right times more challenging.

To help women ensure they fill nutritional gaps, Gennev Director of Health Coaching Stasi Kasianchuk and Naturopathic Physician Wendy Ellis teamed up on a webinar all about how to supplement.

Of course, there's no substitute for a healthy, balanced diet, but when that's just not possible, supplements can help. And stay turned for Gennev's supplement pack for women — created by Dr. Ellis to provide nutritional support but also to help manage menopause symptoms in this challenging time of life. Coming soon!

To learn more about Gennev and to get the full transcript of this conversation, visit Gennev.com.