Wearing a face mask (except the N95s, please leave those for medical professionals) helps protect other people from you. Even if you have no symptoms, you could be carrying and spreading the COVID 19 virus, so it's important to keep the moisture from coughs, sneezes — perhaps even breaths — contained. So please, do wear a mask if you're out and about among people.

Protecting others is awesome. Protecting yourself and those you love? Priceless.

One of the most unknown and underrated ways to strengthen your immune response is gut health. Science is only beginning to understand the importance of a healthy gut, including what the gut does (a lot) and how best to protect and feed it.

We took these questions to a gut health expert: Dr. Erika La Vella of lavellayourguts.com. She is a board-certified metabolic surgeon and describes herself as a "wife, and mother who is passionate about health in the most preventative and holistic of ways." She talked with Gennev Director of Health Coaching Stasi Kasianchuk about what the gut biome is, how it works, and some of the many ways we're finding that a balanced gut biome makes us healthier — and an unbalanced one can disrupt our health.

So, especially in a time when we all REALLY want and need the most robust immune response we can have, how do we feed our gut and protect it?

Listen up and find out! 

Find the full transcript at Gennev.