Physical health and financial health have a lot of overlap. When one is not optimal, the other can suffer.

How much should you have before you can "safely" retire? Should I be aggressive or conservative in my investments now? How can I invest in companies that represent my interests and principles?

Because women live, on average, a couple of years longer than men, and because women generally come to retirement with less in the bank, retirement planning is really important. 

Yet many women avoid taking the time to truly plan so they can enjoy a comfortable, stable retirement income.

We asked Jenifer Sapel, CEO of Utor Wealth, to join us for a conversation on how women can protect their financial health — and independence — as they age.

Listen to the podcast, then come to Gennev for more information about Jenifer Sapel, Utor Wealth, and how to have a truly great second half of life. 

You can access the slides Jenifer discusses here.