The American Dream as we know it today didn’t just come by happenstance. It came by intention, thought, and design. It requires a fundamental understanding of the rules and the system in which the Dream is contained. Black people in America have historically been denied access to participation in the system that produces the American […]

The post The Third Reconstruction: Hope, Dignity and Wealth Creation appeared first on John Hope Bryant.

The American Dream as we know it today didn’t just come by happenstance. It came by intention, thought, and design. It requires a fundamental understanding of the rules and the system in which the Dream is contained.

Black people in America have historically been denied access to participation in the system that produces the American Dream and makes it obtainable for all citizens. On the latest episode of Black Enterprise‘s “Beyond the Hype”, I discuss what I call the Third Reconstruction which creates a framework for Black America to get in the game, move beyond surviving and get to thriving.


Wealth is something that’s obtainable for every citizen of the United States. Despite all of her issues, America is the best place in the world to grow and thrive economically. Here, we have freedom to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, many of us come from communities that don’t foster a healthy environment to make that dream become a reality. After centuries of being broken, beaten, and abused, African Americans are first in need of some hope and dignity. But aspiration isn’t enough. Mentorship, access to opportunity, and jobs are fundamental to the Third Reconstruction which is a blueprint for our future. Then, we can pivot to homeownership and small business creation which creates a cascading effect of goodness throughout our communities and ultimately the nation.

Check out the podcast below and let me know what you think.

The post The Third Reconstruction: Hope, Dignity and Wealth Creation appeared first on John Hope Bryant.