John Hendrick Fellowship Luncheon Podcast artwork

John Hendrick Fellowship Luncheon Podcast

205 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 16 hours ago - ★★★★★ - 9 ratings

These are the recorded messages from the Fellowship Luncheon that happens at Hendrick Motorsports each week, we hope and pray that it is a blessing to you and God speaks to you through his word.

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10/14 Why are there so many religions?

October 15, 2020 00:00 - 26 minutes - 18 MB

We have probably all asked that question. Why God? If there is only one God, why have so many people chosen to follow and worship Him in so many different ways? Is there one way or many? Why worship God at all? Donnie leads us through the scriptures and shows us that man has made many religions based on their needs and wants.......but there is only one way to the Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord! We pray this message helps you in your walk and in your conversation with others!

10/7 Why does God allow injustice?

October 08, 2020 00:00 - 25 minutes - 17.5 MB

A question that many of us have had on our mind given the recent months in our country, why does God allow injustice? Injustice is simply the lack of fairness. It has much to do with corruption, cruelty, and occurrences of unjust acts. So why does a just God allow injustice? Donnie leads us through the scriptures and helps us better answer this question in the message today. We pray this blesses and encourages you in your walk.

9/30 Why is the Right way so Narrow?

September 30, 2020 00:00 - 27 minutes - 19.1 MB

The "Why God" series continues with a question we have all asked at times.....Why is the Right Way seem so narrow or even hard? Why wouldn't God make his way so easy and wide open for all to come in? Donnie takes us through the scriptures that shows us Gods ways are higher than ours, and that he is patient and willing that all would come to the narrow gate and not be led astray by the evil in the world. We pray this message blesses you and encourages you in your walk!

9/23 Why Does God allow COVID-19?

September 24, 2020 00:00 - 22 minutes - 15.4 MB

A question we have all asked ourselves given the recent events of 2020.....but since the beginning of Adam and Eve, we have been living in a broken world since the beginning of sin. But God will allow sickness and use it to remind us that he is in control. He wants his creation to come back to him and have faith, not fear. Control what we can control, and leave the rest to God. We pray this blesses you and encourages you in your walk.

9/16 Why do Christians not act like Christians?

September 17, 2020 00:00 - 29 minutes - 20 MB

Todays message is very relatable to a lot of us, the question poised is why do people who call themselves Christians not act like Christians ought to act? Could it be sin continually weighing them down? Situations that make it hard to live like Christians ought to? Or could it be that they have never truly given their heart to Jesus Christ? Donnie takes us through scriptures and relatable life events that helps us check ourselves but also teaches us to be loving to others as Christians o...

9/9 Why are some people less fortunate?

September 10, 2020 00:00 - 28 minutes - 19.8 MB

Today's message hits home in many of our lives when we think about why God puts us in less fortunate situations when compared to other people.....or maybe we see other people worse off and wonder why God? Donnie leads us through scriptures and reminds us that our choices, circumstances, and surroundings can sometimes leave us in seemingly unfortunate situations.....but God is still on the throne and able to make a way for us! We pray this blesses and encourages you in your walk!

9/2 Why are people so Angry?

September 03, 2020 00:00 - 27 minutes - 19.1 MB

In today's message, Donnie confronts a topic that is quite common in our life or the lives around us.....people can at times be down right angry! But why? Donnie takes us back to the beginning fall of man along with other scriptures to help us understand that we will at times rely on our own power and understanding for life situations instead of trusting God with everything. Those failed situations on our own can often frustrate us and further separate us from God when his arms are wide o...

8/12 Trusting in the Unseen

August 13, 2020 00:00 - 27 minutes - 18.9 MB

Trust is beginning to be a hard thing to do. Who do we trust? Those around us, our government, our bosses, our family members, our police, even our close friends we see and we have difficulty trusting. But what about God? We can't see God, yet, we are called to trust what we cannot see. Why should we? Donnie goes through this very real topic in the message this week, we pray it blesses you and helps you in your walk, continue to pray for our company and for our country!

8/5 When things don't go right!

August 06, 2020 00:00 - 24 minutes - 16.8 MB

I think a lot of us could say that things have gone right so far in 2020.....but what do the scriptures say about when things don't quite go our way?? Donnie unpacks this in his message today and encourages us with the fact that even if we are overwhelmed with bad things not going our way, God is still good and is with us, often working on our behalf behind the chaos we see. Pray for the recent loss our teammate and for the company as people are returning to work again, we pray this messag...

7/29 How to Live out Grace

July 30, 2020 00:00 - 26 minutes - 18.4 MB

In today's message, Donnie teaches on how to live out the Grace that has been given to us by God and others. If we are honest, when we look out in what is going on in our country today, it is hard at times to extend grace given the circumstances.....but since God has been gracious to us, how much more should we do it to our fellow brother and sister. We pray this message blesses you and encourages you in your daily walk in grace and to be gracious towards others as God would have you to be.

7/22 How much effort does our Faith require?

July 22, 2020 00:00 - 26 minutes - 17.9 MB

Today's message Donnie has for us is a very good reminder and challenge.....are we feeding our faith enough? And also in the right way? Donnie goes over certain key points and goes over the scriptures where we are constantly reminded that we don't just arrive once we believe in Jesus as Lord......we must daily feed our faith in the right way with the scriptures, prayer, and acting out what God has done inside of us! We pray this message blesses and encourages you, continue to pray for our...

7/8 I'm not a Racist vs Anti-Racist

July 09, 2020 00:00 - 29 minutes - 19.9 MB

Today's message is quite the hot topic in our world today along with other concerns.....saying you're not a racist vs being Anti-Racist. Donnie unpacks in scripture the definition of race and how God sees us despite what everyone else may say. Donnie reminds us that we often fight good vs evil disguised as a war on race. When we love the Lord our God and love our neighbor as commanded, we do good and often tear down walls. We pray this message blesses and encourages you in your walk, con...

6/24 Confession and Repentance

June 25, 2020 00:00 - 27 minutes - 18.8 MB

Today Donnie speaks on two things that go hand in hand when living in our Christian Faith.....Confession and Repentance! This is a subject that has been thrown around in the media lately and Donnie unpacks this with the scriptures to explain that we should confess and repent from our own sins......but not necessarily the sins of the past by other people. Repentance is a key area in our walk that we must be willing to turn if God leads us to and swallow our pride. We pray this message bles...

6/17 Who is the Lord of your Life?

June 17, 2020 00:00 - 30 minutes - 20.7 MB

Today's topic in our obedience series is a very important one we must ask ourselves.....who is the Lord of our lives? Is it politicians, organizations, or causes? Is it hashtags or ideologies? Anything other then Jesus Christ as the lord of our life is living outside of God's will and in sin. Donnie takes us through scriptures and explains the importance of having Christ as center and explains how we can make him the Lord of our life. We pray this message blesses you, share it with a fri...

6/10 Living Generously

June 10, 2020 00:00 - 27 minutes - 18.8 MB

In today's message, Donnie brings up a topic that a good portion of us already are doing and others are just needing a good reminder......Being Generous. That doesn't always mean giving our money to the church, it also consists of us being willing to give our talents and time to not only the church but our fellow believers and neighbors. In times like this, Donnie reminds us through scriptures and bringing up current events, there is no better time to be generous to those around you becaus...

6/3 How do respond to the unrest in America

June 04, 2020 00:00 - 30 minutes - 20.8 MB

Today's message comes in response to some unsettled times following the murder of George Floyd and the resulting riots and violence in response. We all have questions about what happened we all have opinions about the response......but what would God have us to do? Donnie speaks to us through the scriptures and lays the simple response out.....everyone needs Jesus as Lord of their life. Only through a heart change can people really live like God would have them to and can we have true pea...

5/27 Avoiding Gossip and Rumors

May 28, 2020 00:00 - 27 minutes - 18.8 MB

A topic that if we are not careful we find ourselves too easily indulged in......Donnie unpacks for us a topic that is not always seeker friendly but a necessary topic to speak on as God speaks a lot about not giving into gossip and rumors but running from them and sticking not only to the word of God but also the facts. With everything going on in todays world, don't pick a side of the gossip, be a light for God's truth and peace. We pray this blesses you and helps you in your walk with G...

5/20 Loving our Enemies

May 20, 2020 00:00 - 28 minutes - 19.3 MB

Today's message is on a topic that really doesn't come to a lot of us easily.....loving our enemies. It's a lot easier said then done, but God challenges us in his word to do good for our enemies, even at times when it doesn't make sense. Donnie leads us in the scriptures and through a few life examples to help show that when we show love for those who could be called our enemies, we are then being ambassadors for God's love and could be helping lead that person to a saving knowledge in Je...

5/13 Taming your Words

May 14, 2020 00:00 - 25 minutes - 17.7 MB

In continuing with our obedience series, today we look into a subject that is pretty hard for some of us......taming our words. Words can be hurtful if left unchecked and us left to ourselves we can say many things outside of the will of God because of this world and our flesh driving us down the wrong roads. Donnie unpacks some key scriptures describing for us what God says about taming the tongue......we must rely on Gods power and spirit to lead and guide our words because so may people...

5/6 Why Obedience Matters

May 07, 2020 00:00 - 25 minutes - 17.3 MB

We live in a world where it can often be difficult to obey, via our government, bosses, family, and so on.....but what does God have to say about obedience? This new series helps unpack what the scriptures say on how God designed obedience to work and help enhance our daily lives. It also helps shape us into who God has called us to be, while you may not always see it, God uses it for our good and his glory. We pray this encourages you and blesses you in your walk.

4/29 What are we Saved from?

April 29, 2020 00:00 - 27 minutes - 19 MB

The question was presented to Donnie the other day, will God save us from COVID-19? What about job loss or hardship or isolation? Donnie unpacks what it means to truly be saved in the scriptures and how we can have assurance that those of us who believe on the Son of God have already been delivered and have hope. Listen to this message because God can, if you allow him to, shift your perspective and give you hope in a very chaotic time in our world. We pray this blesses you and encourage...

4/22 Becoming Impatient

April 23, 2020 00:00 - 28 minutes - 19.7 MB

Today's message comes to you from outside the fountain at Hendrick motorsports and is a very timely one we believe as a lot of us are still at home waiting for the epidemic to end and normal life to return. Having impatience can come as no surprise in a lot of situations in life, but Donnie unpacks through the scriptures and life applications that our faith and patience should be drawn from God and not the things or people of this world. We pray this message blesses you and encourages you ...

4/15 Perspective - When you feel cheated

April 15, 2020 00:00 - 28 minutes - 19.3 MB

It is of no surprise that the vast majority of us feel cheated at this point in the COVID-19 pandemic.....whether we have had our job hours cut back or lost our jobs, restrictions on our freedoms to travel or worship in churches, and many other areas of life being affected. Donnie outlines in the scriptures examples of very similar times in the bible as to what we are going through, but that is not a cause to lose hope! God is still good, he is in control, and just be cause things are not ...

4/8 Why the Bible Matters "True Perspective"

April 08, 2020 00:00 - 30 minutes - 20.9 MB

Today's message in a time of uncertainty and chaos in the world we live in we believe is right on time! Donnie does not sugar coat some empty encouragement in this message, but instead opens the scriptures and preaches directly from God's word, why the bible matters, and why it is very important to become a believer in Jesus Christ! God's word is alive and moving, and during this time we all need the truth that will save our souls! We pray through listening to this you are encouraged, may...

4/1 Living at Peace in Uncertainty

April 01, 2020 00:00 - 27 minutes - 18.7 MB

We no doubt today have a ton of uncertainty following the coronavirus attack on America and the world today. Businesses are shutdown, many people have lost their jobs, and many people are getting sick and sadly some are dyeing. In uncertain times though, we can be certain that God is still on the throne and God is still in control. Donnie takes us through the scriptures and explains how we not only need to go after God in these times but also help out our fellow neighbor, do good to help ...

3/25 When your Faith needs Strengthening

March 25, 2020 00:00 - 25 minutes - 17.8 MB

In today's message, Donnie shares a word of encouragement to us all amidst the chaos around us with the coronavirus impacting the world. These times, the news media, and people around us can cause our faith to get weak when we see everything going on....... But God is still in control and will bring us all through this mess! We are called to persevere and be encouragers to those around us, even when everything seems lost around us, God still blesses us with everything we need and then some...

3/18 In Times such as These

March 18, 2020 00:00 - 26 minutes - 18.3 MB

Today's message comes from Donnie's office as we are not allowed to meet on campus till further notice because of the coronavirus, but Donnie speaks comforting words to us out of Psalm 46 and encourages us that even in the midst of chaos and disappointment, we are called not to fear and Trust God is at work through all of this! We will all be alright despite the outlook and soon we will be back to racing again! We pray this message will bless you and encourage you wherever you are at, and ...

3/11 When You are Seeking God's Direction

March 12, 2020 00:00 - 29 minutes - 20.5 MB

In Today's message, Donnie interviews Zico Pasut, fellow pit crew member who last year had an accident on pit road that nearly ended his career. Through the journey he faced with recovery and rehab, God showed up in the middle of it all and he found proper direction for his life! God can also provide direction in your life, he is just waiting for you to ask and for you to listen and willing to be obedient. We pray his testimony and this message blesses and encourages you in your walk.

3/4 Finding Perspective: When the future seems hopeless

March 04, 2020 00:00 - 26 minutes - 18.4 MB

We all have great expectations but what happens when those expectations aren't met or not happening in our time line? It may be easy to lose hope when we see things through just our own eyes......but what happens when we shift our perspective on the way God sees things and wants our out look to be? Donnie unpacks truths through the scriptures and challenges us to live life with God's joyful perspective, even when things don't always go our way and the future seems to not have any hope!

2/27 Finding God in your work

February 27, 2020 00:00 - 28 minutes - 19.8 MB

At times I'm sure it can be really hard to find joy or inspiration in your job or work place.....but God specifically tells us in his scriptures that we are to work at our jobs like we are working directly for him. Donnie unpacks this and other points for us in today's message that we can know God can and will work through us in our jobs and work places. So we need to have joy and be on the lookout to who we might can reach with God's love, being a living ambassador because of what he's do...

2/19 Finding God in Suffering

February 20, 2020 00:00 - 29 minutes - 20.2 MB

Suffering is not something we necessarily look forward to, its often very difficult and trying on us and our families. But in todays message, Donnie unpacks for us through the scriptures how even in the midst of the worst suffering, we can find that God is at work in our lives for greater good and his glory! Though it is not always seen, it takes faith in God to trust his work and timing in our lives! We pray this blesses and encourages you in your walk with God.

2/12 Finding God in Troubled Relationships

February 13, 2020 00:00 - 23 minutes - 16.1 MB

I believe each one of us can relate and go back to a time in the past or currently when we have had trouble in a relationship, whether family or co-worker. But praise be to God that even in the midst of that difficulty, God is still on the throne and at work in our situations! Donnie takes us through scriptures and certain life experiences he has had to help us realize God is for us and wants to grow us despite the difficult relationship. We pray this blesses you and encourages you in you...

2/5 Finding God in the Journey

February 06, 2020 00:00 - 25 minutes - 17.4 MB

In today's message, Donnie speaks to us about this journey we are all on called life and how God is right in the middle of it all. The question is, do we recognize that he has gone before us and he is working all things out for our good and his glory. Through scripture and life experiences, he unpacks how we can better see God at work in our journey in life. We as well had closing music with 2 of the members of the band Evermore, we pray this message blesses and encourages you!

1/29 When our Prayers are Answered

January 30, 2020 00:00 - 34 minutes - 23.5 MB

Special guest Clint Echols from FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) shares with us on our final week of the series Uncertainty Ahead, when God does answer our prayers. Through scriptures and personal accounts of God at work in his life, Clint challenges us to continue to have faith in all areas in our lives and to keep praying those bold prayers that sometimes don't make sense! We serve a big God who is in control of everything so do not be shy in seeking him in faith and prayers in wha...

1/22 When our prayers are denied

January 23, 2020 00:00 - 28 minutes - 19.5 MB

Well that's a harsh subject, why would God deny our prayers? It's a very real topic that a lot of us today's message, Donnie unpacks through scriptures and real life experiences how God despite denying some prayers is still at work. We encourage you to take a listen to this message, write down the scriptures mentioned with notes, and really reflect on the power of God through, believe it or not, denied prayers.

1/15 When our Prayers are Delayed

January 16, 2020 00:00 - 27 minutes - 18.6 MB

A very real topic is discussed in todays message that affects most if not all of us.....when it feels like God delays answering our prayers. Through scriptures and a beginning motivational video, Donnie addresses how God is always at work for our lives even when it seems like our prayers don't get answered in our is God's timing that is always best and he knows best for our lives! We pray this blesses and encourages you in your walk with God.

1/8 Uncertainty Ahead

January 09, 2020 00:00 - 25 minutes - 17.5 MB

As we start out the new year, there can be things to be excited about but there as well can be some uncertainty about the things to come. Donnie reminds us of Gods promises for us through certain scriptures as we look ahead to what God has for all of us for 2020, whether that be for our jobs, family, health, politics.......God is in control! We pray this message blesses you and encourages you in your start for the new year.

12/11 God's Gift of Incarnation

December 12, 2019 00:00 - 34 minutes - 23.7 MB

In today's luncheon, worship leader Gerald Malloy plays a few songs for us before Donnie brings a very special Christmas message titled God's gift of Incarnation. The message and scripture is such a strong reminder of what the real reason for the season is about despite what the world may tell you. Donnie challenges us to keep our eyes on God through the Christmas season and to also be a witness to our family and friends when the opportunity arises. Merry Christmas and God bless you!

12/4 Guest Speaker Pete Wright

December 05, 2019 00:00 - 37 minutes - 25.7 MB

At today's luncheon, a true legend in the Motorsports industry, Pete Wright, shares some of his life in the racing as well as shares some of his testimony of how God has worked in his life through working on race cars. We pray that through the laughter moments and the hard moments in his testimonial, you can relate and see how God is at work in your life and be even more thankful that God is in control!

11/20 How to Be Thankful

November 21, 2019 00:00 - 23 minutes - 15.9 MB

In today's message, Donnie speaks to us about recalling in our lives how God has been faithful to us and how much we have that we don't deserve, and teaching us how to be thankful when our flesh tells us to focus on what is wrong. Through Hebrews 12 and other scriptures, Donnie reminds us of how blessed we really are, even when we don't see it! A healthy reminder as we go into the Thanksgiving season with our families, God has been good to us all!

11/13 Guest Speaker John Curran

November 14, 2019 00:00 - 23 minutes - 16 MB

In today's message, former teammate John Curran, who was a welder in the race shops, shares his testimony of how God first worked in his life through John Hendrick and he is now traveling the countryside telling everyone he meets about Jesus! Through his testimony, he challenges us to never forsake the interactions we have with people, they are often divine appointments for God to speak life into them if we are obedient! We pray this messages blesses you and encourages you in your walk wit...

11/6 The Three Circles to Freedom

November 07, 2019 00:00 - 23 minutes - 16.4 MB

In this week's message, David Kapps fills in for Donnie and talks to us about the Three Circles to Freedom as it translates into our lives coming to Christ. Through certain scriptures, David explains to us the lessons of the three circles of freedom and also challenges us to use this to help reach our friends, family, and coworkers with the good news of the gospel and God's design! We pray this blesses and encourages you in your daily walk with God!

10/30 Is Faith an event or a Way of Life?

October 31, 2019 00:00 - 22 minutes - 15.4 MB

In today's message, Donnie speaks to us about areas in our life and challenges us about our faith.....was it just an event that happened when we first became a Christian or is it a daily way of life that we exercise daily? Through certain scriptures, he teaches us in different areas of life what it looks like to trust in God in all areas, not only for our salvation. We pray this message blesses you and encourages you in your daily walk.

10/16 Are you good enough?

October 17, 2019 00:00 - 23 minutes - 16.1 MB

In this week's message, Donnie speaks to us about a topic that is really crucial in our lives.....are the good works we do enough for God to be pleased with us and get us into Heaven? The answer God tells us is in the scriptures, Donnie unpacks this question that I truly think a lot of us wrestle with at times! We pray this message blesses you and encourages you to live for God in your lives!

10/9 Is Belief enough for Eternal Life in Heaven?

October 10, 2019 00:00 - 24 minutes - 16.8 MB

Today, Donnie begins a new series entitled "Is Faith Enough?" The message he shared with us along with certain scriptures really challenges us who believe and call ourselves the actions and motives in our lives demonstrate a changed heart and mind? Or did we just believe to escape from God's wrath and continue to live our own way? We pray this message blesses you and helps you live for God!

10/2 Hendrick Night of Encouragement

October 06, 2019 00:00 - 57 minutes - 39.6 MB

This podcast is from the Hendrick Night of Encouragement with Ronnie and Mel doing a question and answer session with Donnie Floyd and worship led by Chris Grayson. This was a very special night that God spoke mightily through the testimonies of Ronnie and Mel and moved in everyone who was there. We pray this podcast is a blessing to you and encourages you to live bold in your Faith!

10/2 Special Guest Ronnie Faisst

October 03, 2019 00:00 - 22 minutes - 15.2 MB

In today's message, we have special guest Ronnie Faisst speaking to us about his motocross racing career. Not only that, but he also gives his testimony explaining how God brought him from a dark place in his life to completely surrendered for God's Kingdom. He challenges us to choose God's way and to live for him each day as he does. We pray this blesses and encourages you!

9/25 How to deal with Stress

September 26, 2019 00:00 - 28 minutes - 19.3 MB

That all too familiar word.....Stress! In today's message, Donnie talks to us on how stress in our lives can be the result of us being too busy. Through different scriptures and an inspirational song from country singer Craig Morgan, he explains that God does not want us to be stressed and too busy that we miss life's most important things, mainly God walking every step with us! We pray this message blesses you and encourage you to not stress as much in your daily life!

9/18 How to Deal with Worry

September 19, 2019 00:00 - 22 minutes - 15.5 MB

In todays message from the AXALTA building, Donnie unpacks a word that 90% of us are all too familiar with.......Worry. Life happens and our flesh tells us to worry about things we can or maybe cannot control. But through God's word, we discover he does not call us to worry.....He calls us to lean on his truths by Faith and not our own understanding! We pray this word and scriptures blesses you and encourages you in your walk!

9/11 How to deal with Fear in your life

September 12, 2019 00:00 - 28 minutes - 19.2 MB

In todays message, Donnie and special guest Corey Williams speak to us about addressing certain types of Fear in your life. Through citing certain scriptures and hearing a powerful testimony from the life events that unfolded in Corey's life, we can see God wants us to have a healthy fear and respect of his power and presence, not to be fearful of men and false accusations by the enemy. We pray this blesses you and encourages you to see the world through God's eyes and not your own!


Pete Wright
1 Episode