On this week’s episode of the Secure Retirement Podcast, we speak with my good friend, Bill Landing, a retired professor from Florida State University who is currently studying environmental chemistry and chemical oceanography. Bill has over 50 years of experience as a scientist and joins us to talk about the facts and fictions surrounding the pandemic.

“The training that you get to be a scientist gives you qualities like skepticism. You look at data and interpretations of data, you look for alternatives, you look for possibilities, testing hypotheses all the time, coming up with explanations for the things that you observe, always considering alternative explanations. Ultimately, I think what drew me to science in the first place is that there are truths. There are things that are, in fact, knowable, that are real truths. That's probably why I was drawn to it in the first place,” says Bill.

We chat about the virus and confirmation bias, as well as:

The accuracy of numbers derived from testing

What other countries have done to successfully slow the virus’ spread that the US has not done

Comparing mandatory mask-wearing to banning indoor smoking in public places

What world leaders could be doing to help life return to normal

And more