Retirement can come with an amount of financial uncertainty attached, even for people who have taken the time to plan. This week, John and April aim to alleviate some of the stress that comes along with retirement planning by discussing the five biggest financial risks in retirement and how best to avoid them. Together, they have over 50 years of combined experience in helping clients plan for retirement and use that practical knowledge to illuminate what works and doesn’t work during the planning process.

“It's really important to understand that there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle,” says John. “We see people who don't even know what some of the pieces are. Or, they know about them but think that if they don't think about it, if they don't dwell on it, it won't matter. It does matter, and it will sneak up on you.”

They speak in detail about:

    The five risks: outliving your retirement income, sickness or injury, market volatility, taxation, and inflation

  • Why traditional planning doesn’t work for retirement

  • Key differences between saving for retirement and wealth distribution once you’re retired

  • Achieving an optimal cash flow balance during retirement

  • And more