Power, authority and opportunity; these are some of the things you can expect if you have the Rooster Animal Sign in your destiny chart. 2022 is the year where you’ll be able to take charge, be in control and steer your own destiny for the better. While heavy is the head that wears the crown, you’ll have access to all sorts of resources. Learn how you can set yourself apart by watching this video.

The ball is in your court in 2022. The question is, what are you going to do about it? Utilise what you’ve been given well and everything will be yours for the taking.

1. If you want to know what’s in store for you in 2022, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel at: http://www.joeyyap.com/yt 

You'll be the first to get notified (remember to click the bell icon to get notifications) when the 12 Animal Signs Forecast videos get released. 

2. Download the much awaited Thriver’s Guide here: http://www.joeyyap.com/TG2022

3. Print Your Personal BaZi Chart, go to: http://www.joeyyap.com/bazi

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