A year of spiritual growth awaits you in 2022 if you have the Dragon in your destiny chart this year. Spirituality is all about seeing beyond what’s apparent; even though there are no auspicious stars for this Animal Sign this year, it doesn’t mean it’s not without merit. Seek the answers within and change the way you see things. Watch this video to learn more.

See things differently in 2022. Learn to see the bigger picture and where you stand in the grander scheme of things and make this year a great one.

1. If you want to know what’s in store for you in 2022, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel at: http://www.joeyyap.com/yt

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2. Download the much awaited Thriver’s Guide here: http://www.joeyyap.com/TG2022

3. Print Your Personal BaZi Chart, go to: http://www.joeyyap.com/bazi

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