0:00:00 - Opening

0:01:35 - How to Deal With Anger Management Issues.

0:10:35 - Is it possible to exhibit too much Extreme Ownership?

0:17:57 - Jocko Spars Jiu Jitsu with Rickson Gracie

0:39:02 - In a NEW Leadership role, When to use Firmness right away VS. When NOT to.

0:45:10 - How Praise can hurt performance VS How it can help performance.

0:53:42 - How to Detach without Seeming Completely Cold.

0:59:36 - Discipline in one Area does NOT Make up for Slack in Other Areas

1:07:51 - How to Confront someone who has been talking behind your back.

1:11:43 - Support: Cool Onnit, Amazon, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book) and The Muster002 

1:49:35 - Closing Gratitude.