Todays show is all about helping you build relationships that are the foundation of a strong business. 


Quotable:  Your net worth is directly proportional to your network



5 points on Relationship Building 



 1. Foster current relationships 


· Appreciate current customers, friends and family that have your back!

· Don’t get too comfortable; business is Business

·  keep it professional, with the highest level of customer service



   2.   Be Present on Social Media


· Be consistent

· Be present : actively listening to your audience

· Be Relevant  to the conversation 

· Be Helpful; if you're not adding value just keep quite


 3. Get out and meet folks


• Build relationship within your community

• Meetups are a great source of networking

• Physical personal contact is endearing


  4. Engage with your Tribe


• Build your email list and nurture those relationships 

• Email is highly underused by most of our small business'

• Be consistent but not SPAMMY

• Don’t just contact folks when you have a sale.


 5. Take advantage of groups


•  Join Groups with your target audience 

•  Set up a FB Group

• Start a Twitter Chat with your peeps

• Participate in Google Hangouts 



Thank you so much for being an Sista on a Mission!, please don’t forget to leave me a review in iTunes.