What I learned from the best at Podcast Movement 2015


I am still reeling from information overload almost a month after Podcast Movement '15! 

The organizers did such an awesome job with bringing some of the best in the industry to impart massive Epic content to us.

 I and everyone I connected with at the conference and online afterwards have concurred that this is definitely the one you need to attend.

 Lord willing, I will definitely be in Chicago next year. I encourage you to buy the Virtual ticket and get what you can and make sure you don't miss out next year. 

Before you go though make sure and take my Conference  tips to help you be prepared.


Key Takeaways

PAT FLYNN: The Real Podcasting Struggle: You vs. You


We all keep this one Hater with us. Ourselves.
Associate with the right people, Power of the whole is greater than the single
Fear is a good indicator of what you should be doing; Transform by creating impossible goals.
Its not about you, it's who is on the other side



ROMAN MARS: Designing a Career in Podcasting 


Telling the right story can change the feeling or perspective
Quality is the best Business strategy
Make as many good things happen as possible
If you can save the World time you're doing god's work :)
Own your work


LOU MONGELLO: 10 Questions


Success is measure by levels of happiness not money
Be the book you want to read
I don't have competition
It's about real connections
Legacy is not just money
You don't know how you are going to affect somebody's life
The only failure is quitting
There's a fine line between brilliance and utter stupidity


AISHA TYLER: No Apologies: Creating Authenticity by Embracing Risk


Passion is the only ingredient
Be relentless
Don't be afraid to pivot: quitting is not failing if you don't enjoy it anymore.
Listen and do your best work
It's not how hard you hit, its how hard you can get hit and get up.


JOHN LEE DUMAS: Deconstructing Podcasting Success: Real life stories of failure turned into freedom


If you want to be; Do.
What's your courage story? Share it.
You want to be successful you have to be Consistent
Invest. Learn. Teach


Book of the Day

The War of Art:  Steven Pressfield


Business Resources







Omni Hotel Fort Worth Texas

Sistah Speak Podcast - Game of Thrones

Podcast Movement 15 Virtual Ticket

Podcast Movement 2016


Job Optional Community facebook

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