YAY! You have completed the course, the 90 day course. It took us almost 8 months. 

Now we will deepen the teachings. We will have some great interviews and conversations. I intend to have conversations that are real, direct and informative. Anonymously lets us hear the truth. That is when we get to the truth of the matter. So here we go my friends. Let's get this party started! 

Congrads! Now you are going to take this with you and built upon it, integrate it, become it! Lot's of love and good juju to you! 

You are now the living mission statement for Joan of Heart.... "To Imprint the warrior of Infinite Love in the Heart of Humanity" Go out and enjoy!

Loving you big time!


Podcasts to listen to:

How to Listen

Yuck and Yum - Week 1

No Make Wrong - Week 2

Don't Give Up Till The Miracle Happens

The Willingness To Be Willing

Audible books to listen to:

Practicing The Power of Now (start with this book. Listen 1 hour a day until you’ve finished the book)

The Power of Now (Listen 1 hour a day until finished)

Transcending The Ego (Listen 1 hour a day until finished)

Signs (Listen 1 hour a day until finished)