Today’s episode is an interview with my high school friend Neeli Pyles. I pray her story will help bring healing and hope for anyone struggle with substance abuse. Up until 5 years ago I was ignorant about drug addiction or substance abuse, then it personally hit my son and affected me. I was so ashamed in the beginning and kept it in the dark from everyone. Then one day it all came falling apart and after me and my sweet Dad dropped my 16 year old son at his first rehab , I had to face reality. I called my boss, and it was the first time I said to anyone other than my parents, what I was going through. The first words spoken to me after I shared were, Neeli, you are a good mom.” To this day it it still brings me to tears knowing in that vulnerability, no judgment was passed. Healing started. Now, as the Lord leads, I share my story as a parent and walking with a son who struggles with the disease of addiction. I’ve found out in the years, more people than I realize have been affected