My name is Hannah, I’m 28 and eat through a feeding tube and breathe through a tracheostomy tube. I’ve had both these tubes since I was just days old. I was born with a medical condition that affects my lymphatic system and as a result I have thousands of cysts in my head and neck, some of which are in my airway and esophagus. I’ve had more surgeries than we can count and have heard the word can’t more times than anyone should. For every time I’ve been told I can’t do something I tend to do the opposite. I grew up around sports and played some growing up, but was often held back, or given free passes in gym class, to not have to try as hard. When I was out on my own in college I signed up for every intermural sport I could (despite being TERRIBLE at all of them) and legitimately played Ultimate Frisbee every single day. I found my body could do much more than I ever dreamed it could, including multiple half marathons.
Several years ago I took my health into my own hands in the biggest way I probably ever will. Up until age 23 I was on canned, genetically made, pre-packaged formula for people with feeding tubes or other medical needs. Doctors advised my parents to put me on this from a very young age and admittedly it kept me alive. I was able to function and go to public school and participate in activities and camps and be social. It also made me incredibly sick often. We didn’t know it was the cause but it was certainly a catalyst for many infections and illnesses I had for my first 23 years. 
With the encouragement of some friends, when I was 23 I went off the formula. I started blending my own foods and trying to eat healthier real foods. It was a steep learning curve. My parents were not happy. I lost a lot of weight at a very rapid pace until we figured out a blended diet that worked for me to sustain my body. Five years later I am healthier than I’ve ever been, I eat real food, and instead of getting sick monthly I’ve been sick four times in those five years. 

Here is Hannahs 30 Days of Fitness sign up



Email: [email protected] 

THANK YOU times a million again I'm so so so grateful ! 
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Divine Coaching Concepts
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