A life changing question to ask yourself...
"What would my best self do? Get ready to be inspired by my guest, the wild, fun, energetic Mya Nguyen. Her “Winja” ways will inspire you to live your best life being true to your values and making decisions that align with those values. Mya’s is a self professed adventureholic, Ninja wannabe, personal trainer, animal flow instructor and a prison nurse. Her infectious energy is a true gift she shares with everyone.
Follow Mya on IG -

This question will change your life. How do you want to show up in the world? What kind of person do you want to be?

My best self is fierce, fearless, adventurous, and vivacious. My best self does life with a high level of integrity. I want to show up 100% for myself, my family, my friends, and my clients. My best self is kind, fun, loves to learn and always up for new challenges. 

So those times that I want to lay on the couch and watch hours of Netflix, I ask myself… is this really going to serve me? Sometimes it’s a yes. But if I had plans to workout, to work on a project, to film a video, to write a blog post, to meditate, etc, and I notice myself making excuses, then asking myself this question usually always realigns me. 

So what would your best self do? 

Ask yourself this next time you're doing something or not doing something that doesn't align with your values or goals. 
Links to Mya’s website, YouTube and blogs -
Check out the products we use in my family on my amazon page

Direct Message Jennifer on Instagram at @jmarfit http://www.instagram.com/jmarfit
FB Page - Life By JMAR
Divine Coaching Concepts by Jennifer Martinez
[email protected]
Divine Coaching Concepts – Coaching Mind, Spirit and Body/Inspiring Greatness. Equipping and inspiring clients to focus on their strengths resulting in profound achievements in both mind and body.
Want to work with Jen? She has a unique ability to simplify the overwhelming amount of information the health and fitness industry has to offer.
Email her at [email protected] to schedule your first consult.