I ramble for way longer than I’d planned about the various versions of White Wolf‘s World of Darkness tabletop RPG titles. For the last quarter of a century, four (soon to be five) editions of WoD games have been released, along with two editions of games set in the alternate reality of the Chronicles of … … Continue reading →

I ramble for way longer than I’d planned about the various versions of White Wolf‘s World of Darkness tabletop RPG titles. For the last quarter of a century, four (soon to be five) editions of WoD games have been released, along with two editions of games set in the alternate reality of the Chronicles of Darkness. With a history like that, the games’ continuity has grown ponderous indeed. But how do you even approach the idea of canon when every story is told by an unreliable narrator? I talk about that and many other things – and I’ve been playing since the `90’s, so it turns out I have plenty to talk about.

Come see me at ConCarolinas! http://www.concarolinas.org/

As I mention near the beginning of the show, Fabled Environments is partnering with Yellow Piece Games on a new Savage Worlds setting called Buccaneer: Through Hell & High Water. Their kickstarter for the game runs through June 20th, 2017. Check it out! http://kck.st/2rlOfG3