I misguidedly attempted to wrap up my canon series only to realize I had much more to say than I’d initially reckoned. Ahaha. So, here’s the next part, wherein I tackle two franchises: Star Trek and DC. I also tangent for a bit at the beginning into the recent Darkwing Duck controversy. I also make … … Continue reading →

I misguidedly attempted to wrap up my canon series only to realize I had much more to say than I’d initially reckoned.


So, here’s the next part, wherein I tackle two franchises: Star Trek and DC. I also tangent for a bit at the beginning into the recent Darkwing Duck controversy. I also make a terrible pun about an obscure DC character I happen to like, bring up my distaste for there being so much segmented metal in science fiction nowadays and get a tad defensive about the fact that I don’t hate all of the movies I’m supposed to hate.