Embodying Courage

As we begin, we take a few deep breaths, grounding ourselves with each inhale and exhale. We remind ourselves that it's okay to relax, to give ourselves permission for a moment of respite. We settle into our space, feeling the support beneath us, allowing our bodies to rest into it just a little bit more. Now, Rena gently guides us to bring to mind a situation that's safe yet mildly stressful, something challenging or even a bit scary that we're planning to do. We envision ourselves in that moment, noticing the surroundings, the people, and most importantly, the sensations within our bodies. We hold this experience delicately, finding the right distance to be present with it. Then, we shift our focus to envisioning ourselves on the other side, having completed the action, feeling proud and confident. Back and forth we go, acknowledging the fear and stress before, then the sense of accomplishment after. Rena encourages us to ask ourselves what we need to move through this fear, to find calmness and regulation within ourselves. We carry this newfound insight into facing our challenges, staying present in our bodies as we move forward.

Embodying Courage

As we begin, we take a few deep breaths, grounding ourselves with each inhale and exhale. We remind ourselves that it's okay to relax, to give ourselves permission for a moment of respite. We settle into our space, feeling the support beneath us, allowing our bodies to rest into it just a little bit more. Now, Rena gently guides us to bring to mind a situation that's safe yet mildly stressful, something challenging or even a bit scary that we're planning to do. We envision ourselves in that moment, noticing the surroundings, the people, and most importantly, the sensations within our bodies. We hold this experience delicately, finding the right distance to be present with it. Then, we shift our focus to envisioning ourselves on the other side, having completed the action, feeling proud and confident. Back and forth we go, acknowledging the fear and stress before, then the sense of accomplishment after. Rena encourages us to ask ourselves what we need to move through this fear, to find calmness and regulation within ourselves. We carry this newfound insight into facing our challenges, staying present in our bodies as we move forward.