Embracing Hashem's Support

We begin by drawing in a few deep breaths, allowing each inhale and exhale to wash through our being, and acknowledge the support beneath us. With gentle encouragement, we bring to mind a current life challenge, noticing where it resides within us. As Rena leads us, we imagine Hashem holding that part of ourselves, providing a sense of security and comfort. With each breath, we surrender a little more, sinking into Hashem's loving embrace. We recognize the importance of prioritizing our own needs, allowing ourselves to relax into the support offered. As the session unfolds, we reflect on what more we might require to fully embrace Hashem's support. Without judgment, we welcome whatever arises, integrating it into our being. Finally, Rena invites us to find a word or symbol to anchor this experience, a reminder of Hashem's support and love available whenever we need it.