[Special Series] Brett Swayn, Executive Chef of the Cookery in Nashville, TN is one of the people on the front lines, helping others during times of crisis. He shows us what can happen when we invest in each other, invest in our world, and invest in prayer; using this time to strengthen our hearts and come closer together as God’s people. 


Links, Products and Resources Mentioned:

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Brett Swayn (The Cookery)

Lambscroft Ministries

Bible Gateway (Psalm 46)


See more videos around finding Peace for Uncertain Times on YouTube.com/JesusCalling Book


Interview Quotes:

“The spirit in the Cookery cafe has blossomed because [the team] know that they are doing God’s work, and they can feel His Spirit encouraging them.” - Brett Swayn speaking on behalf of his team members working without pay to serve others during the pandemic. 


“I’ve encouraged the men here to look for places to invest; and from the beginning, they have. They’ve invested in each other, they’ve invested in time in the Word, they’ve invested in time in prayer, they’ve invested time in those that needed help, and they’ve become richer.” - Brett Swayn speaking on behalf of his team serving each other and those in need during the pandemic.


“People can help right now with prayer and pursuing the things that matter on a deeper level.” - Brett Swayn


“Some of us are being taken care of with salary, so now is the time for us to look to those who may be in need and help them with your gift, with your acknowledgement, by your compassion, by your love.” - Brett Swayn

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