[Special Series] Dad, pastor, author, and president of For Girls Like You Jonathan Pitts shares 4 Ways to Weather the Storm Well as we search for Peace In Uncertain Times. Jonathan shares how we need to give ourselves a little grace in this season, how saying yes to family time can bring us joy, and how being transparent about our struggles can help us lead effectively and grow our relationship with God. 


Links, Products and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling Podcast

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Jonathan Pitts:





Church of the City (Franklin, TN)

For Girls Like You





See more videos around finding Peace for Uncertain Times on YouTube.com/JesusCalling Book


Interview Quotes:

“This life in the kingdom is just a crazy adventure where we can't expect anything, but we can trust that God is in control regardless.” - Jonathan Pitts

“Family has been a thing for me that God has reminded me is really where most of my joy comes from.” - Jonathan Pitts


“Living in the presence of Jesus is really critical to our relationship with God.” - Jonathan Pitts

:I really just try to practice being in God's presence because it's not necessarily easy. It's like any other relationship. Sometimes they can be difficult to be with people, to relate to people. And so I just practice showing up to him and I ask that when I show up to him, he shows up to me and he never fails me.” - Jonathan Pitts

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