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We watch so you don’t have to! A podcast in which we watch TV and then offer our judgments. From the people who bring you The Incomparable.

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292: In The Village: Introduction

September 05, 2017 15:40 - 5 minutes - 4.34 MB

Steven and Erika of Lazy Doctor Who fame(?) launch a new effort covering the colourful, psychadelic, trippy, wtf-is-happening spy-fi series that is 1967’s The Prisoner. The world premiere of The Prisoner happened 50 years ago today — in Canada, of all places! Despite this bit of our national heritage, we’ll release our episodes 50 years after each one aired in the UK. So expect the first proper In The Village ep to cover “Arrival” on the 50th anniversary of its UK premiere: September 29. Ye...

290: Voltron: Legendary Defender S3 review

August 29, 2017 17:00 - 46 minutes - 42.3 MB

The Netflix series about five young pilots who have been swept up into an intergalactic war continues with a new season that dropped in early August. The team is in disarray after the events at the end of last season and there are new opponents to contend with. And then there’s the fact that this season was just a bit shorter than the previous two. Shannon and Nerdist associate editor Kyle Anderson are back and joined by Tony Sindelar to talk it all out.

288: Game of Thrones S7E7 Review: "The Dragon and the Wolf"

August 28, 2017 04:55 - 1 hour - 40.3 MB

Here we are, at the end of the abbreviated penultimate season of “Game of Thrones.” This week we’re talking about sibling bonds (and other, closer bonds between blood relatives), serious looks between characters who share histories, and things to do in Eastwatch when you’re dead. See you next year! Or the year after! Or whenever the show comes back!

287: The Defenders: Origins!

August 26, 2017 21:23 - 27 minutes - 9.96 MB

Sometimes you just want to watch a superhero team-up. There are other times you want your favorite team reunited. Lisa, Moze and Tony give your ears both! We all come out of our separate worlds to fight the Netflix Binge-O-Matic machine and both tame and recap the latest offering… “The Defenders.” Get a feed at feeds.theincomparable.com/defenders.

285: Game of Thrones S7E6 Review: "Beyond the Wall"

August 21, 2017 05:11 - 1 hour - 29.1 MB

In “Beyond the Wall,” Game of Thrones takes us - where else? - beyond the Wall. There’s lots of walking, talking, some more walking, and then a few things happen. No big deal. Meanwhile, down south, Arya reminisces about archery, Sansa does some Raven Reconnaissance, and Tyrion tries to rein in Dany. Plus, we make fun of a terrible Dana Carvey comedy, Priscilla, Queen of the Desert actors are confused for each other, and Monty makes the Yu-Gi-Oh! joke to end all Yu-Gi-Oh! jokes.

284: Preacher Review: S2E6-8 "Sokosha" to "Holes"

August 17, 2017 02:33 - 1 hour - 27.9 MB

James and Moze take a look at the mid season arc of Preacher to find backstories on new characters. We offer up some predictions of the inevitable cliffhanger on the road to find God. As per usual, we are dismayed at how many people we know are not watching this fantastic show.

282: Arrow Flashback S1E11-12 Review: "Trust But Verify/Vertigo"

August 14, 2017 13:00 - 1 hour - 29.3 MB

The Speedy Arrowcast team is back for another Flashback episode, covering episodes 11 and 12 of season 1. While Dan is on an island, John and Guy are joined by special guest Tony Sindelar, professor at Batman University to discuss whether the eyes are part of the face, how the Count’s back story is a bit dumb, and the unveiling of Green Bearow. To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow

281: Game of Thrones S7E5 Review: "Eastwatch"

August 14, 2017 04:25 - 1 hour - 28.2 MB

Hey, it’s Gendry! Gendry’s back, everybody! Remember Gendry? He’s back! Okay, that’s probably something that’s going to pay off farther down the line. We also got to see Tyrion have a secret meeting with his brother Jaime, and they haven’t talked in a long time. And Jon Snow gathered up all the tough guys he could find and took them up north so he could grab Tormund Giantsbane and the surviving members of the Brotherhood of Fire and go marching north to kidnap a wight to show to Cersei Lanni...

279: Game of Thrones S7E4 Review: "Spoils of War"

August 07, 2017 05:38 - 1 hour

This week on “Game of Thrones”, not very much happened. Oh, sure, Jon lured Daenerys down to the beach to look at his cave etchings. And Missandei explained to Jon and Davos why Daenerys has so many followers—and why the best rulers are the ones you choose. And there was a reunion of three Starks in Winterfell, as Sansa and Arya were reunited at last and were joined by their brother Bran and his awesome new dagger. Between getting beaten senseless, Pod reminded Brienne that a major part of he...

277: Game of Thrones S7E3 Review: "The Queen's Justice"

July 31, 2017 05:15 - 1 hour - 31.9 MB

Jon and Daenerys finally meet—but resurrection talk is strictly outlawed. Jon and Tyrion are reunited, as are Sansa and Bran! Tyrion knows all the plumbing in Casterly Rock, but Euron has gifts for the queen and a sound strategy to waste the efforts of the Unsullied. And Jamie gets an earful from Olenna Tyrell, who is going to make her last scene her best one. Plus: Sam doesn’t do anything gross! We break it all down.

276: Arrow Flashback S1E9-10 Review: "Year's End/Burned"

July 26, 2017 20:00 - 1 hour - 31.3 MB

The Speedy Arrowcast team is back for another Flashback episode, covering episodes 9 and 10 of season 1. Important issues of discussion include why it’s important that Ollie gets the crap kicked out of him, “military grade technology,” and why you should always sit down at a fancy dinner party, even when you’re not invited. Plus, stay tuned for a few minutes of very special bonus content. To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.co...

274: Game of Thrones S7E2 Review: "Stormborn"

July 24, 2017 05:35 - 1 hour - 29.3 MB

Daenerys and company correctly identify which Jon Snow has taken over the North; Cersei uses a fear of immigrants and eunuchs to turn lords against Dany; Sam performs surgery without a proper anesthetic; Jon checks his raven-mail and fails to learn a lesson about meeting prep; Arya ponders if she can go home again with the help of Nymeria; and some Sand Snakes die as Theon lets down his sister. Oh, and most importantly, HOT PIE IS BACK!

273: Preacher Review: S2E3-5 "Damsels" to "Dallas"

July 22, 2017 19:44 - 1 hour - 44.6 MB

The road is long… time to take a three-episode pitstop in the “Big Easy.” Jesse and crew begin a bar by bar search for God. James and Moze pick up a hitchhiker along the way. Tony Sindelar put out his thumb and we just couldn’t say no.

272: Arrow Flashback S1E7-8 Review: "Muse of Fire/Vendetta"

July 19, 2017 18:30 - 1 hour - 30.4 MB

The Speedy Arrowcast team is back for another Flashback episode, covering episodes 7 and 8 of season 1. This week, the guys are joined by special guest Lisa Schmeiser to talk about this two episode arc involving the Huntress. Important topics include creepy father-daughter relationships, how there’s no cure for bad (or no) chemistry, and why the heck nobody has yet dug up a Tommy Merlyn doppelgänger. Also, Lisa shows the team how you REALLY do a recap. To subscribe to all our Arrow-rela...

271: Game of Thrones S7E1 Review: "Dragonstone"

July 18, 2017 04:42 - 1 hour - 29.7 MB

Serve yourself some stew and fill up those chamber pots! “Game of Thrones” is back and so are we, as we discuss Sandor Clegane’s religious conversion, agree to the awesomeness of House Mormont, dispute Cersei’s ultimate motivations, and address the final moments when Dany sets foot back on Westeros at last.

269: Arrow Flashback S1E5-6 Review: "Damaged/Legacies"

July 14, 2017 12:15 - 53 minutes - 23.7 MB

The Speedy Arrowcast team is back for another Flashback episode, covering episodes 5 and 6 of season 1. This week, we talk about the inadvisability of arresting someone as a vigilante on really very thin evidence, what is perhaps the best Dig move ever, and weirdly knowledgable ghosts. Plus we introduce our new rating system for these episodes. To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow

268: Preacher Review: S2E1-2 "On the Road" and "Mumbai Sky Tower"

July 10, 2017 00:18 - 53 minutes - 25.3 MB

The pulpit has been abandoned in the wake of Annvilles’ untimely demise. Now, James and Moze take to the road to follow Jesse, Tulip and Cassidy in the journey to find God.

267: Arrow Flashback S1E3-4 Review: "Lone Gunmen/An Innocent Man"

July 07, 2017 12:15 - 1 hour - 27.8 MB

Team Speedy Arrowcast returns for another Flashback installment, covering episodes 3 and 4 of season 1. We discuss the social justice roots of Oliver’s crusade, the at-times unfortunate Hood/Ollie/Laurel triangle, the show’s first real mythology episode, and, of course, how everything is always coming up Diggle. To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow

266: Doctor Who S10E12 Review: "The Doctor Falls"

July 02, 2017 02:00 - 1 hour - 29.2 MB

We wrap up this season of Doctor Who with a discussion of the finale, notes about Steven Moffat’s bag of tricks, an appreciation of Pearl Mackie and Michelle Gomez, and speculations about where the Christmas Special will take us.

265: Arrow Flashback S1E1-2 Review: "Pilot/Honor Thy Father"

June 28, 2017 17:00 - 58 minutes - 25.8 MB

You asked for it, and boy are you gonna get it. The Speedy Arrowcast team returns for their first Flashback installment, covering episodes one and two of the first season of Arrow. We discuss John’s extensive Diggle head canon, what things don’t quite add up after five seasons, and of course the hair stylings of Quentin Lance. To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow

264: Doctor Who S10E11 Review: "World Enough and Time"

June 25, 2017 04:37 - 1 hour - 28.6 MB

So it’s come to this. The penultimate episode of the season. A pre-credits regeneration tease. An enormous spaceship where all is not what it seems. The adventures of Doctor Who, Exposition, and Comic Relief. A surprise inside a surprise. A return to good ol’ Body Horror Cybermen. And a shock ending magnified by its placement at the end of an era, when all bets are off.

263: Doctor Who S10E10 Review: "The Eaters of Light"

June 18, 2017 02:00 - 53 minutes - 37.2 MB

Scotland, monsters, Roman soldiers, and the return of Rona Munro to “Doctor Who” after nearly thirty years—that’s what we have in “The Eaters of Light.” Jason and David appreciate the sparkling dialogue, while trying to ignore some of the plot mechanics. And finally, we spend some time talking about Missy’s story arc and the best role of The Master in a modern version of “Doctor Who.”

262: Doctor Who S10E9 Review: "Empress of Mars"

June 11, 2017 01:55 - 47 minutes - 32.7 MB

The Ice Warriors return, as does (somewhat controversial) writer Mark Gatiss, in “Empress of Mars.” This episode felt like classic series “Doctor Who”, and piled on the old-series references too. How did we feel it measured up to this season, and to Gatiss’s previous work? How convenient was it that the TARDIS and Nardole disappeared? And was it a nice respite before we dive into late-season drama?

261: Supergirl S2E22 Review: "Nevertheless, She Persisted"

June 08, 2017 15:42 - 17 minutes - 41.3 MB

The Supergirl Supercast wraps the season with coverage of the finale! Nevertheless, they persisted.

260: Doctor Who S10E8 Review: "The Lie of the Land"

June 04, 2017 02:00 - 40 minutes - 27.8 MB

The Zombie Monks have taken earth! Now it’s time for Bill to save the world—with the occasional help of Nardole—so long as the Doctor doesn’t keep getting in the way. Plus, Missy is trying to be good—but is it the wrong kind of good? Rachel Donner joins Jason to talk about this week’s “Doctor Who”, plus “Wonder Woman” (no spoilers), and even a little bit of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”

259: Arrow S5E23 Review: "Lian Yu"

June 01, 2017 17:30 - 55 minutes - 24.7 MB

Everything comes full circle as we reach what is not only the end of the season, but of Oliver Queen’s five year journey. We discuss Slade Wilson’s grooming habits, this episode’s many (and sometimes unnecessary) twists, another welcome throwback cameo, and bidding adieu to that remote island we love to hate, Lian Yu. What lies next for the Speedy Arrowcast team? You tell us! To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow

258: The Flash S3E23 Review: "Finish Line"

May 30, 2017 23:00 - 42 minutes - 39 MB

Here we are at the end of our marathon. Lisa, Tony and Moze look at how the season finale paid off our predictions. What will season four look like? And the Flashcast team gives its fond goodbyes to you, the listeners, after a marvelous three years.

257: Doctor Who S10E7 Review: "Pyramid at the End of the World"

May 28, 2017 02:00 - 1 hour - 46.9 MB

The end of the world is coming. But from where? Is it the obvious choice… or something entirely different? And what are the Doctor and Bill willing to do about it? That’s all part of the intriguing premise of “The Pyramid at the End of the World”, this week’s Doctor Who episode. Chip Sudderth of This Week in Time Travel joins Jason to break it down.

256: Supergirl S2E21 Review: "Resist"

May 24, 2017 00:19 - 10 minutes - 25.1 MB

In discussing the penultimate episode of Season 2, “Resist,” Trish and David praise the return of Cat Grant, rename Cyborg Superman to R2D2 and question the fictional lineage of Linda Carter’s alien-shape-shifter President. Also, Trish suggests giving Alaska to the Daxomites. Edited by Seth Heasley, who as a born and bred Alaskan objects to Trish’s plan.

255: Doctor Who S10E6 Review: "Extremis"

May 21, 2017 02:00 - 59 minutes - 40.7 MB

A planet of executioners! A call from the Vatican! A surprise visit from Missy! Nardole’s bad-ass moment! Bill’s ruined date! There’s a whole lot to talk about in “Extremis”, Stephen Moffat’s latest (and last?) attempt to write a story that deviates from the “Doctor Who” norm. We liked it a lot, but that won’t stop us from nitpicking about how random number generators work…

254: The Flash S3E22 Review: "Infantino Street"

May 19, 2017 03:56 - 42 minutes - 18.5 MB

“Infantino Street” is the episode season three has been building toward, in which Iris’s death at the hands of Savitar isn’t a distant probability but a reality Barry must face. The episode is interspersed with reminders of her impending doom. Twenty-four hours until Iris West dies, count down the episode with us.

253: Arrow S5E22 Review: "Missing"

May 19, 2017 03:11 - 52 minutes - 23.2 MB

Must be dinnertime, because there is some in-depth table setting going on this week. We discuss why you shouldn’t over spend your character budget, the joy of seeing old friends, and why maybe you don’t want to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Plus, a cameo return from a fan favorite. To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow

252: Supergirl S2E20 Review: "City of Lost Children"

May 16, 2017 23:10 - 11 minutes - 26.4 MB

Our listener panel reconvenes to discuss the episode “City of Lost Children”, which is sort of like “City on the Edge Of Forever”, except with… nope, that’s not it. Edited by Seth Heasley.

251: Arrow S5E21 Review: "Honor Thy Fathers"

May 16, 2017 04:00 - 44 minutes - 20.5 MB

This episode does not strike quite true with our team this week. Discussion questions include “Can you really be surprised your dad is a murderer when he killed someone in front of you in the first episode?”, “Is your big bad perhaps a trifle overpowered when he seems to know as much or more than your audience?” and “Can we just have more Anatoly please?” Also, the possibility of t-shirts is broached. To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theinco...

250: Doctor Who S10E5 Review: "Oxygen"

May 15, 2017 05:58 - 45 minutes - 21.2 MB

Space: The final frontier. These are the voyages of The Doctor and Bill, and maybe Nardole. Their mission: to seek out distress calls from strange space stations, and fight the end stage of capitalism before it kills everyone. Live from Seattle, Jason and Glenn discuss “Oxygen” by Jamie Mathieson from a big red couch.

249: The Flash S3E21 Review: "Cause and Effect"

May 12, 2017 03:01 - 44 minutes - 18.6 MB

Team Flash works on their Savitar trap, but in the meantime, what if we experimented on Barry’s brain in order to slow down Savitar? What could go wrong? And so amnesia hijinks ensue! With Barry having no memory and Wally’s powers reset, the city has no Flash, which is a problem when discount Heat Wave goes on a rampage. Killer Frost offers to help out Team Flash at the price of Barry’s innocence.

248: Supergirl S2E19 Review: "Alex"

May 10, 2017 16:03 - 10 minutes - 25.1 MB

The Supergirl Supercast returns to discuss “Alex.” Tactical underwear are discussed, along with Alex’s many skillful MacGyverings.

247: Doctor Who S10E4 Review: "Knock Knock"

May 07, 2017 04:56 - 44 minutes - 30.9 MB

A haunted house! A bunch of college students! Alien wood bugs! A parent’s love for a child! This episode had a whole lot of tropes, but to be honest, not much worked for us beyond Bill and The Doctor. If you’re looking to this podcast for a shot of positivity about “Doctor Who” every week, this week you will not be satisfied. On the other hand, if you’d like to hear us complain about “Knock Knock,” you’re in luck!

246: Arrow S5E20 Review: "Underneath"

May 05, 2017 22:20 - 50 minutes - 22.7 MB

This week, we’re all trapped in a bunker. With our feelings. We go off-formula for a week that helps remediate some of our biggest complaints about this season and last. Hot topics include: finding the secret escalator entrance in to the Arrowcave, why you pipe hot and cold running methane into your lair, and why it’s important to talk things out like adults. Even on a comic book show. To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow

245: The Flash Review: S3E19-20 "I Know Who You Are"

May 05, 2017 03:25 - 40 minutes - 23.3 MB

A special double episode exposing Savitar’s identity that everyone seemed to already know. How did we feel about it? Where do we go from here? Sit back and let us figure that out together as Lisa, Tony and Moze put on their Strange Metal suits and run around this narrative.

244: The Expanse Season 2 wrap-up

May 03, 2017 17:43 - 56 minutes - 38.8 MB

We’re back to wrap up season 2 of the Expanse! Action on Earth, Ganymede, and more! Blue monsters! Changes from the books! Overall, our panel really liked the trajectory of the back half of season 2. We can’t wait for season 3… but alas, we’ll have to.

243: Supergirl Supercast: S2E16-18 Reviews

May 03, 2017 16:44 - 52 minutes - 33 MB

We’re back with reviews of three recent episodes of “Supergirl!” Musical complications and annoying alien parents!

242: Doctor Who S10E3 Review: "Thin Ice"

April 30, 2017 02:00 - 1 hour - 42.5 MB

This week’s “Doctor Who” features some fantastic dialogue and relationship building between Bill and the Doctor—all on the ice of the Thames during the last Frost Fair. Plus, a giant fish that may or may not be an alien! Commentary on historical racism and classism! And at the end of the episode we get wild and speculatish about what’s knocking on the door of The Vault.

241: Arrow S5E19 Review: "Dangerous Liaisons"

April 28, 2017 04:00 - 43 minutes - 20.3 MB

After a few weeks off, team Speedy Arrowcast is back in action. This week, schisms rock the team as Felicity and Oliver face off. We discuss impractical infiltration garb, the time-space rift that has seemingly transported two of our favorite characters to a different show, and why certain people should probably not cast stones when it comes to the ends justifying the means. To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow

240: Doctor Who S10E2 Review: "Smile"

April 23, 2017 02:00 - 44 minutes - 30.9 MB

🙂 The Doctor and Bill just pop out for a moment while the kettle is boiling to explore a future space colony with no people, lots of robots, emojis for communication, and a deadly secret. Did the episode’s scant plot (and abrupt solution) matter, given the strong dialogue and characterization? Grab a cuppa and join Jason and special guest James Thomson as we break the episode down into its constituent parts and use it as fertilizer in a beautiful garden.

239: Doctor Who S10E1 Review: "The Pilot"

April 16, 2017 04:20 - 1 hour - 42.9 MB

Doctor Who is back! And we’re here to break down the season premiere, in which we meet Bill Potts, the newest companion. How is her entry into the TARDIS different from other companions? What are the Doctor and Nardole up to? Why should we be afraid of puddles? We break it all down.

238: Arrow S5E18 Review: "Disbanded"

March 31, 2017 13:00 - 49 minutes - 32.6 MB

We’re breaking up the band…so we can get the band back together! Team Speedy Arrowcast is on hand to discuss the varying natures of brotherhood, what exactly it takes to get a room around here, and important parallels between our favorite show and another classic of American television. To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow

237: The Flash S3E18 Review: "Abra Kadabra"

March 31, 2017 03:18 - 35 minutes - 15.6 MB

The magic is back on this week’s episode of “The Flash”. At least Moze tries in earnest to convince Tony and Lisa. The episode presented a nice change of pace. Team Flash faced new challenges this week as Abra Kadabra waged a magical war on Central City.

236: Arrow S5E17 Review: "Kapiushon"

March 24, 2017 13:30 - 59 minutes - 26.3 MB

To Russia, comrades! This week’s flashback-heavy episode follows past Oliver carrying out his vendetta against Kovar, while in the present he is tormented by Prometheus. We discuss the troubling portrayal of torture, the weird casual nature of Sarin gas, and why it’s probably not a good idea to trust a strange woman who promises to help you with your inner monster. To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow

235: The Flash S3E17 Review: "Duet"

March 24, 2017 00:53 - 40 minutes - 18.5 MB

The long awaited musical crossover episode arrives. Lisa, Tony, and special guest Jess Viator discuss musicals, this episode, and the impact on the season as whole.


A Matter of Trust
1 Episode
Book of the Dead
1 Episode
Brothers in Arms
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