JLP Mon 7-8-24 Female Monday! "Mom rage"! Amazing calls from the ladies!

Hr 1 BQs: Why you attack back: Blind. Women's "liberty": Turning Texas "blue."

Hr 2 "Mom rage" is not good. Calls from ladies: Anger, forgiveness, mothers. Supers.

Hr 3 Calls: Della and Jenny afraid to stand alone.

New Biblical Question: Why are you dismayed by others?


(0:00:00) HOUR 1 - Female Monday!
(0:04:53) Church: Same problems; BQ: Why you attack back; blacks; blind
(0:16:19) BQ: Why dismayed by others? How human beings treat one another
(0:21:09) What's wrong with women: Turn TX blue. Men's god. BREAK
(0:33:40) Women left alone in "liberty"
(0:38:40) ALEX, WA (1st) pop. decline: Why men so weak? Father "strong"
(0:45:22) Supers: Father communist, Appeasing, Practical thoughts, BQ
(0:55:00) NEWS Hr 1 … HOUR 2
(1:05:33) Overcome your hell. Most won't forgive. Egos on a thought.
(1:10:34) Ladies, anger, rage is not good. Let no one lie to you.
(1:14:50) CLIP: "Mom rage." Lay your weapons down, ladies. Counseling.
(1:18:23) SHAWN, Orlando: Destiny. Rage? Love. Anger. Silent Prayer.
(1:32:23) ARIEL, PA (1st) Where's your strength from? Weak, human.
(1:36:35) NAJE, VA: Great, great grandmother. Mom OD'd. Great aunt.
(1:42:58) SARAH, NC, was a cop! Married, children. Obey?
(1:49:53) Supers: Husband role. Women need guidance. Forgive.
(1:55:53) NEWS Hr 2
(2:01:23) HOUR 3, BQ, Female Monday, Remember W History.
(2:07:04) DELLA, VA: Hard time, Being alone, doing right
(2:19:28) JENNY, TN: Ex-liberal teacher, isolated, family reunion? BREAK
(2:34:44) JENNY: Worshiping the Devil, imagination! Who are you?
(2:45:38) JENNY: Who would you be… Why not be nobody?
(2:48:27) JENNY: Who is God? Silent Prayer? Don't know what to pray for!
(2:55:00) JENNY: Closing. Call again!
(2:55:27) Supers: Most of 'em! END