JLP Tue 7-9-24 Strong dog, weak dog. Mama love destroys! Holy sacrament drugs?! FE talk!

Hr 1 Weak animals, weak people, seeking thrills in Hell! Supers: Blacks in towns. Sharon: Jesus' divinity?

Hr 2 Great calls: Kids' manners? Mom lives with me! Drugs at Last Supper?! New Flat Earth producer!

Hr 3 …A mother's love: Teens mob mall! Calls: Ali loves his hell!

Biblical Question: Why are you dismayed by others?


(0:00:00) HOUR 1
(0:06:43) JLP: Animals weakened by human beings like their children!
(0:12:28) No love in human nature
(0:15:13) Clip: Strong dog vs weak dog.
(0:17:18) Your ways, thoughts, are not of the Father. Thrills are evil.
(0:22:30) Looking for love is Hell, "How to meet women"
(0:24:49) Seek first the Kingdom, at no cost! [Joel mending relationships.] BREAK
(0:31:38) Announcements
(0:36:22) Hake, Hassan, on weak dogs. SUPER: America is gone.
(0:40:23) "Sad," ridiculous, blacks in neighborhoods: Hake callers
(0:44:20) Supers: Soul, Body, God allows evil to deceive? Wigs
(0:50:49) SHARON, OH, 1st, Jesus' divinity, trinity? Father in him? BREAK
(0:54:54) NEWS Hr 1
(1:00:53) HOUR 2
(1:03:47) Country & Western Tuesday! Hassan's dog. Pete from Alaska song
(1:06:05) SHARON: Bible. Amazing!
(1:07:36) JLP: Hell, Kingdom of Heaven: Above and inside
(1:08:38) ABIGAIL, CO: Should children say please and thank you?
(1:11:13) MARK, Miami, 1st, mom lives with me. What's good about her?
(1:21:13) MARK: Forgive your mother for turning you from your father!
(1:23:13) TODD, MN, 1st, Jesus mushrooms at Last Supper BREAK
(1:34:08) GREG, NY, 1st, sent girlfriend home, HOLD ON
(1:35:15) Supers: kids' manners, "firmament" FE talk
(1:39:05) Derrick, JLP's black country flat earther producer, reading the Bible
(1:45:38) LAURIE, MO: Rainbows, Antarctica, Moon, Song, Firmament, Gravity
(1:54:53) NEWS Hr 2
(2:00:50) HOUR 3 - Happy WHM…
(2:06:05) LAURIE: FE? Top of the world? RIP Karen Carpenter
(2:10:53) IAN, Mississippi, 1st, FE on the right track?
(2:14:18) JOSH, FL: WHM, black history is American? No!
(2:17:08) A mother's love… 200 teens at Carson mall, CA
(2:23:24) STEVE, NY: Commercials feature non-whites! BREAK
(2:34:40) ALI, Philadelphia, barber, lost friends, worshiping devil in thoughts
(2:46:13) ALI: The fake you, the real you, overcoming illusions about you, woman
(2:51:14) Supers
(2:54:43) CHRISTIAN, UT, 1st, Thx, Advice forgiving? Call back!