You must know how to get proven, consistent results for your clients, before you pivot and package your 1:1 offer into a group coaching program. If you’re selling high-ticket 4-figure offers, you MUST be able to get results that are consistent.

This is non-negotiable. 

After you’re making $20-50k a year, that’s an indicator that you have a good offer, you know how to sell it, and you have a process that gets clients results time after time. Once you hit this milestone, your next step will be choosing how to evolve your offer. 

Option 1: You create an agency, by building out a team to continue supporting clients in a 1:1 capacity. Option 2: you turn your 1:1 service into a repackaged, leveraged offer as a high-ticket group coaching program with high support for your clients. 

Either way, they’re both still the same offer, just delivered in a leveraged way that allows you to serve more clients. Tune in to today’s episode to hear how and why I made the decision to create a high-ticket group coaching program, from the results I had gotten for my 1:1 clients.

Key Highlights of the Episode

This episode was extremely actionable and insightful. Here are a few key highlights:

Before you try to move past 1:1 you need to have a clear offer and a clear proven process that gets clients results. Use your 1:1 coaching to first nail down your framework and make money while doing so.  Learn about the 2 different ways to create a leveraged offer: building out a team or creating a high-ticket group coaching program repackaged from your 1:1 offer Once you have a proven process to get results, you can leverage it, without having to create new products When you create a new offer, you are serving a new audience--which is where more work comes in.  How to use the POP Method - serving one client, one problem, and one process in order to create a niche that you can dominate in.

And lots more! Tune in now.

This episode is brought to you by Raise Your Rates:

If you are amazing at delivering results for your clients, but not sure if you're qualified to raise your rates, then this training is for you! Join me, as I walk you through 10 questions to help you know once and for all how much money you should be charging for your service.

Have your clients been adding on extra tasks outside your contract, but you haven't raised your rates yet to reflect these extra deliverables? Or perhaps you are an expert, but don't feel like you're getting paid market rate for your services? If this is you, then it's time to raise your rates.

I'll help you think through whether you have positioned yourself as enough of an expert to charge high-ticket, by narrowing your niche. We’ll talk through the steps I use to help clients narrow their niche, so you can position your service and get paid based on the value you truly deliver.

Go to to find out exactly how much more you should be charging! It's time to get those bigger checks, baby.