Today’s episode features Tarah Keech, an awesome entrepreneur who teaches burnout prevention techniques that help leaders equip their teams to thrive.

Before enrolling in Services That Sell, Tarah had a corporate job and was doing various projects, but knew she had to focus on creating something sustainable and leverageable to build a better future.

By being persistent and consistent, Tarah has built a super-successful business, landing corporate contracts where she’s able to put her well-refined skill-set to use and help her clients achieve their missions in life.

Key Highlights of the Episode

This episode was extremely actionable and insightful. Here are a few key highlights:

Getting to a point of clarity - Tarah had to put in a lot of work to refine and streamline her approach until she reached a point of clarity. It can take a lot of effort before you find your ideal niche. Going live on Facebook - Even though her clients aren’t generally hanging out on Facebook, doing live videos on the platform allowed her to get super clear on her message and gain a deep understanding of potential talking points. How to understand what your client wants - Tarah is able to fully identify her ideal client and what their motivations are. Furthermore, she always asks herself how she can help this client achieve the result they want. Staying connected to your “why?” - Tarah points out that being an entrepreneur, you’re constantly having to adapt and change up what you’re doing. However, by regularly referring back to her Services That Sell growth assignments, she’s able to retain her core value proposition. An innovative way to attract new leads  - Tarah is willing to do what it takes to attract new leads. After conventional marketing methods weren’t getting the desired response she decided to invite prospects to be part of a podcast. This received a fantastic response and allowed her to have an open, long-form conversation with her target customers. How far are you willing to go to attract new leads? And lots more! Tune in now.    This episode is brought to you by ACUITY SCHEDULING:


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