I don't know about you, but I've always struggled with creating and being consistent with a morning routine. What am I supposed to do? What all should be included? The bigger issue... I'm not a morning person, so how's that supposed to work? 

Everyone always says that the most successful people have a solid morning routine but I'm calling BS. I truly believe in order to have a marvelous morning routine, you have to be pretty intentional with what you're doing before you wake up everyday.

This bonus episode will give you insight on how I have been designing an intentional evening and morning ritual + sharing how the first 5 days of me testing this out actually went. 

If you're morning routine sucks and you want to fix it so you can be more productive, give this episode a listen.

Found this episode helpful? Tag me on Instagram @jereshiahawk and share which part you liked the most. I'll reply to you via DM.