Building your business requires different priorities, decisions and leadership at different stages of growth. There are 4 different phases of wealth building and business growth:


MAKE: $0-$100k

MANAGE: $100k-$300k

MULTIPLY: $300k - $1M



In this episode we’re going to focus on Phase 4: $1M-$3M. You'll hear, real time, what my experience was like profiting  $1M in a calendar year. 


Interested? Complete the Benchmark Assessment to help you pinpoint the exact gaps that currently exist within your business model. 

Click here to learn more and submit your application to receive the assessment today. 

Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. 

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