When the Bible talks about narrow is the gate, but difficult is the way that leads to life, that’s the 411 for God never said it would be easy. I base my business on this principle of the narrow path.


In this episode, I teach you how to apply these principles to your own business. 


Key Highlights of the Episode

This episode was extremely actionable and insightful. Here are a few key highlights:

Why the narrow way is never easy, but it is worth it.  Your business will NOT survive without saying "YES" to some things and "NO" to others. Your business will NOT survive without you making specific choices aligned with a focused goal. Are you ready to niche down and create a solid sales strategy? And lots more! Tune in now.


Raising your rate takes more effort than just deciding on a new price. Then comes the work of addressing the objections, effectively articulating your value in your marketing content, and designing curriculum that delivers on the promise you sold the client into. Need some help with this? 

Click here to learn more about how our LEVERAGE Method can help.


Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

Subscribe now!

Applications are now OPEN for LEVERAGE.

>> Click this link to submit your application before enrollment closes.

Applications close on April 21st. 

The 2023 LEVERAGE Cohort kicks off May 1st!