Previous Episode: Facebook Must Be Stopped

I’m not Jewish. I am tangentially affiliated with the Jews, as I went to Hebrew school, and I was Bar Mitzvah’d (“do it for the money” as my mom demanded when I tried to protest my forced Bar Mitzvah).

But there is one Jewish thing I can get behind: the “no concentration camps” movement.

This movement was started in the early 1950s, and is often celebrated with 2 words: “Never again”. In the 1950’s, we decided as a global society that we would never let a massive, world-leading power use concentration camps to brutalize a subset of the citizenry.

China has concentration camps for the Uighur muslims. Here’s a brief excerpt from Wikipedia:

According to detainees, they were forced to drink alcohol and eat pork, which are forbidden in Islam. Some reportedly received unknown medicines while others attempted suicide. There have also been deaths reported due to unspecified causes. Detainees have alleged widespread sexual abuse, including forced abortions, forced use of contraceptive devices and compulsory sterilization.

China is committing crimes against humanity, and Zuckerberg is sitting idly by because his company (and personal life?) is too intermingled with China to speak out.

We have to revoke Mark Zuckerberg’s status as a Jew. It’s time. We have to de-Jew Mark Zuckerberg.

If you want to be Jewish adjacent, such as myself, you have to adhere to a short list of rules, and one very important rule is “no concentration camps”. An ancillary rule to that is “if you are in a position of power and you can speak out against concentration camps, you must”.

Zuckerberg has shown that he would rather suppress information about the Uighur camps than spread it.

Facebook controls the news you see. Make no mistake about it: the incentive structures that drive placement for a piece of news are designed by the same algorithmic meat grinder that Chamath Palihapitaya and Alex Schultz laid the foundation of in early 2000s.

Facebook tries to get out of this by claiming that they are a “platform and not a publisher”. “Platform vs. Publisher” is a nonsense argument. Facebook is both a platform and publisher.

Zuckerberg is an a*****e, and his company needs to be investigated for antitrust. But I don’t have enough power to incite these things.

What I can do as a Jewish-adjacent citizen is revoke his Jewish-adjacent card. Sorry Zuckerberg, you are no longer Jewish-adjacent. His options now are to go full Orthodox, or declare some other Jew sect. But his current status as vaguely Jewish Adjacent has been revoked.

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