Facebook Must Be Stopped

I am the founder of Software Engineering Daily, the #1 software podcast according to Apple Podcasts. For 6 years, we have documented technical software topics in discursive, technical detail.

We conduct detailed research into many subjects, all of which you can find on the Software Engineering Daily website or through the Software Engineering Daily app for iOS or Android.

Facebook is a criminal, global organization. Facebook is a more dominant system of centralized mass media than we have ever seen.

Facebook must be stopped.

I wrote the #1 best selling software engineering book Move Fast: How Facebook Builds Software (available as a FREE audiobook here). Move Fast took me 3 years to complete and I consider it a canonical piece of software literature, on par with books such such as High Output Management and The Mythical Man Month.

Facebook is a highly innovative company, and should be lauded and congratulated for its contributions to human communications through brilliant engineering.

Unfortunately, Facebook is using its tools to undermine norms of world governance and consequently is overstepping its boundaries as a corporation.

As a society, it is time to fight back against Facebook. It is time to assert our rights and autonomy as human beings governed not by a central technocracy but by a federation of nation-states are free to choose or invent whichever technologies they want to use to help with governance.

I love Facebook. Facebook is a wonderful set of utilities. My book Move Fast: How Facebook Builds Software is a very positive review of the company. However, since writing the book, I have become aware of how Facebook is abusing their position of power.

In Jeff Daily, I document how Facebook abuses their power and has used their overwhelming position to attack me directly.

I Am Banned On Twitter

As part of my research into Facebook’s dominance, I tested the bounds of censorship across the Internet. I was shadow banned on Instagram and banned outright on Twitter on both my personal and business accounts.

That’s right. I am completely banned on Twitter.

Because I am banned on social media, I need your help to spread my message.

Please consider what I say and write seriously, and if you agree with it, share it with someone else via all the social media formats that you use.

Subscribe at softwaredaily.substack.com

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