In this review of the Year of the Midlife Woman I have looked the progress we have made towards overturning abuse and discrimination against women in the UK as an example of a country that thinks itself progressive. 
 The main hope is the growing public awareness of the previously unacknowledged levels of abuse, discrimination, and neglect of the interests of women and hopefully a growing resolve that it should no longer be tolerated.  
 When we look east, we see a different story where the position of women in some countries is going backwards. 
 I believe that the cause in both cases is the same and it stems from fear among men about the challenge to their automatic right to superiority and power they feel from the advance of women.  
 I know that is an ugly description of the situation, but I believe there is plenty of evidence to support it.
 Nevertheless I think there are grounds for hope as well. 
 Listen to my Podcast and judge for yourself. 

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