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Landing a job in a new location may be one of the most difficult things to do. Regardless of your reputation, work achievements, and education, local candidates generally have a leg up on anyone trying to relocate. It is just far easier to conduct interviews and it surely is less costly than moving someone across the country.

There are a few things you can do to even the playing field and have a legitimate shot at landing that dream job.


Contact a Recruiter

Working with a reputable recruiter is going to be one of the first steps in this process. Recruiters are often tapped into job openings that are not even posted. Additionally, they will often offer some services to help make the job search a bit less difficult for you, such as resume writing assistance. 

Luckily if the organization has already gone through the process of hiring a recruiter, they will establish whether or not they’re exclusively looking for local candidates. Meaning that if you ask a recruiter if this job offers relocation assistance or is only available to those in the area, they will be able to save you the trouble of applying to the wrong company.


Know What’s Available and What You’ll Need

A lot of businesses provide a range of relocation services, and the majority are adaptable in what they offer. Take the time to learn about your options and put them to good use. For instance, some businesses will pay for things like house browsing trips, shipping your car, and aid with buying or selling a home. They might also be able to assist your spouse with job placement in your new city. Not all companies operate the same, so having an idea of what services you’ll need is important.


Set Your Game Plan

This could be a very long process, so make sure you know that going in. Knowing you want to relocate, employers may ask you to make some concessions. Bend where it is unimportant to you, but don’t make adjustments that will make you unhappy after you accept the position.

Last but not least, before even considering relocating, put enough money aside to pay for flying out for interviews and the relocation on your own. With the new era of Zoom calls, it’s not uncommon for people to get a job offer before even visiting the office. However, it’s a good idea to put that money aside in case they don’t fly you out themselves. 


Have a realistic timeline

Get your availability timeline set before you start interviewing. If it is going to take you four weeks to move once the position has been accepted, be upfront about it. Most employers will expect a longer transition if you are relocating, just keep it reasonable or you will risk losing out to a local candidate.

Whatever you do, do not pretend to be local because it will always come back to bite you. While it may knock you out of the running for some positions, be honest about your location.


Do Your Research

If you are going to move to a new location, you need to fully understand the city and what it offers. If you have never been there, it is highly recommended you make a visit before considering jobs in a certain city. Employers are less likely to hire someone if they think there is even a remote chance the new hire will regret making the move. Know the local restaurants and entertainment venues. You can even mention them during the interview to put the employer’s mind at ease that you truly know the area and understand exactly what you are getting into by moving there for a position.

Research should not be limited to the city. Spend some time researching the company itself so you are not relying on the interviewer to provide facts. 

Are you considering a relocation position but are unsure how to get started? Did you know Joseph David International has one of the largest networks available as well as being regarded as one of the top executive recruiting companies in senior living and hospitality? For more information about our placement services, click here.

The post How to Successfully Land a Relocation Job appeared first on Joseph David International.