When Clinton and Charity Muñoz sought help to overcome a porn addiction, Clinton was told to memorize more scripture and Charity was told to wear him out sexually ...and things got worse.

Millennial marriages are vulnerable to pornography like no generation before them  — and there is a lot of bad advice out there. But we have good news! The Muñoz family, Authentic Intimacy, and others are learning to have conversations about sexual addiction that not only point people to Jesus, but to the professional help they need as well. In this episode, Juli invites Clinton to share how their new marriage actually triggered his porn use; Charity admits that she couldn’t celebrate Clinton’s small victories early on (and why that’s OK); and together they explain how healing individually, as a couple, and in community were all crucial components to their recovery.

Guests: Clinton and Charity Muñoz with Restored2More.com

Show notes:

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Java #364: How to Work Your Way Back to Sexual Intimacy After Infidelity

Q&A: Is Homemade Porn OK in Marriage? (Q&A video with Jonathan Daugherty)

How To Deal With Porn Struggles When Dating (Juli's blog)

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