Japanese Swotter - Speaking Drill + Shadowing artwork

Night Soliloquy #めがてんになる The eyes turn to points!?!?

Japanese Swotter - Speaking Drill + Shadowing

English - January 16, 2021 18:00 - 7 minutes - 5.5 MB - ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
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[✐Advanced上級+] Night Soliloquy - 夜中の独り言 (Yonaka no Hitorigoto)

Quiet night, my soliloquies. No practice drill.  Just listen..... and good night.

Podcasts : Drill finder : Instagram : YouTube : Twitter
"Getting started with Japanese Counters" https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/japanese-counters-guide/ 

Japanese transcript available on [https://www.patreon.com/japaneseswotter/posts]


ワクチン接種(せっしゅ) vaccination

矢先(やさき)に just when

変異種(へんいしゅ) variable/mutant species

登場(とうじょう)する emerge, appear

気(き)がめいる feel down/depressed

コロナ疲(づか)れ coronavirus fatigue

やる気(き) motivation/drive/can-do spirit

いまひとつ not quite

翻訳(ほんやく) translation

金融(きんゆう)セクター financial sector

主(おも)に mainly

経済関係(けいざいかんけい)の Economic related

専門家(せんもんか) expert

垣間(かいま)見(み)る get a glimpse

助数詞(じょすうし) Counter suffix

あやふや vague, dubious, unsound

原子力発電所(げんしりょくはつでんしょ) nuclear power plant

いざとなると when it came down to it

輸送(ゆそう)コンテナ shipping container

目(め)が点(てん)になる Literally: The eyes turn to points(In manga, eyes are drawn like two dots to express a surprised expression). => lost words for surprise

平(ひら)べったい flat

当然(とうぜん) no surprises, of course

どんどん more and more

笑(わら)い laugh

反応(はんのう)する react

身近(みじか)に感(かん)じる have a feeling of closeness to

変なことを言う say something strange/wrong

急(きゅう)に suddenly

場(ば)にふさわしい appropriate/suitable for the occation

親近感がわく feel a bond with

接する have contact with

距離を縮める move closer to

コツコツと diligently, slowly but steadily

"Getting started with Japanese Counters" https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/japanese-counters-guide/ 

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