[00:06] みなさん、こんにちは。

Today, we will do “Intonation practices”, which is popular in my class.

First, I’ll speak slowly, so try to repeat as accurately as possible.  Then I’ll speak faster, I mean naturally.  At this time, you focus on the intonation or try to mimic the flow of the sound, like you sing.  It doesn’t have to be perfect.

[00:36] Repeat after me

1.  The weather is good today, isn’t it?

きょうは いい てんき ですね。

2.  My job is tough, but fun.

しごとは たいへんですが、たのしいです。

3.  I’ll (go to) buy lunch at the convenience store (and come back).


4.  I don’t have money, but I’m happy.


5.  When Corona is over/gone, I want to do this and that!


(*あれもこれも= this and that, many various things[Note the order of “that(are) & this(kore)”, not “this & that”])

[02:21] So far so good?

Repeat after me

1.  I jogg every morning.


2.  Yesterday, I watched Netflix.


3.  Maybe, I’m just gonna chill out at home.


(*goro goro suru = chill out, doing nothing special)

4.  To see if the copy machine has been fixed, I’ll go to check it(and come back).


5.  The other day, I ran into my colleague.


(kaisha no hito = a person from the company = colleague)

[04:11] Let’s try a bit longer sentence.

Repeat after me

1.  This PC is old and (runs) slow so I want a new one.


2.  It’s already late and I am up early tomorrow so I’d better get going soon.

もうおそいし、あした    はやいし、そろそろかえります。

3.  While working at the desk in the office, I have lunch.

オフィスのデスクで しごとを しながら ランチをたべます。

4.  In case of absent (in case I cannot come), I will contact you early/in good time.


5.  There is something I want to talk about. Don’t we talk while drinking?

ちょっと そうだんがあります。のみながら はなしませんか。

[06:43] きょうはイントネーションスペシャルでした。たのしかったですね。


We did “Intonation Special” today.  It was fun, ne. See you!

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